Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Harold Camping is sticking with October 21, 2011 date for end of world, will anyone pay attention?

He is speaking live on his radio station right now. He just said he was wrong about the rapture, but God had some sort of reason for changing the May 21 date, but he is saying the world will still end with a giant earthquake on October 21, 2011. Do you think his followers will stay with him? If that date comes and goes, do you think he will set another one?|||he set a new date back in 1994 so y wouldn't he keep milking this cash cow as long as he can. 170 million in donations from the people he duped and more sure to come so long as he can keep the act going|||His belief in 1994 Rapture and the May 21, 2011 Rapture were utterly baseless.

How anyone could believe that the end will come on October 21 is beyond me.

After that day comes and goes (just as May 21 did) Camping will enter into the realm of pure stupidity, with anyone following him rightly labeled as such.|||I can't say if his followers will stay with him. If the October 21, 2011 date comes and goes, he may set another one. But what he and his followers fail to comprehend that "no one knows the day or the hour...but God", according to Matthew 24:36. No elaborate mathematical calculation can overturn or override the fact that no one can know the day or hour. So, all predictions are worthless. Instead of wasting time predicting or believing in predictions, we need to follow Jesus' direction to "keep on the watch" for the end because it's coming at an hour that we do not think to be it. (Matthew 24:44)|||If jesus comes on october 21st, it will be specifically to kick harold camping in the a$$. Then he is will go back to heaven and leave the rest of us to wait for his actual return date... a date which the bible says we will not know beforehand.

Camping a$$ is in big trouble because I bet Jesus has really big feet.|||No, because May 21 has to be correct before October 21 can be correct. So, back to the calculations, Harold.|||no they will give him a slap in the face.

note on heavens gate:every beliver welcome except False prophets including You Harold Camping.tell the Devil i said hey|||I think his followers have too much invested in his teachings for them to back off now. They'll probably convince themselves that whatever Camping says is true. It's easier than admitting that they were fools.|||Wow,not herd him talking on this at all,guess he is really sure things are going in this direction to say this after all his mishap reports.|||Hopefully he's not the anti-christ!!! :O WHY!!!!! I'M BARELY GOING TO BE 14!!!! XD yeah right, Harold Camping is super fake.|||Probably, because they are retards and some are in so deep they would rather believe that then face the $14,000 they spent on crap.|||Anyone who believes him is a gullible idiot.|||He's gonna keep blaming it on EVERYTHING but himself. Do you seriously think God would use a person to deceive people once, then twice, and now a third time? Ugh... sickening.|||I'm absolutely certain, I mean to answer your initial question. Your second question too. Your third one too.|||He will learn like the JW's finally did: only the Father knows the exact time and date.|||The attendants at the Alzheimer's wing he lives in, will. Maybe that'll be the day they can stop changing his diapers.|||False prophet... will he take repsibility of the damages he has caused people's lives|||I hope he gets trampled by wild horses.|||No!!! The world can't end before Halloween!!!!|||He was wrong for 1994 and again May 21th.. What would a rightful mind will believe him the third time?|||LOL they would have to be REALLY dumb to go along with it a second time.

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