Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is Harold Camping going to be right about how October 21 is the end of the world?

I have a MAJOR fear of the apocalypse.|||About as right as he was about May 21 and about 1994. He's an idiot and a scaremonger. NOTHING HAPPENED on May 21 though he'd predicted the Rapture. Nothing will happen on October 21.|||Nobody can tell absolutely, but I will just say this - in the early 1960s there were several successive predictions by various religious groups of the end of the world on successive named dates. Clearly none of them happened or we wouldn't be here now.

Incidentally, the date predicted for next year is simply the end of a long period in the Mayan calendar and the start of another similar long period. The Mayan calendar does not make a prediction of the end of the world.|||He is false, and NOT among the chosen ones he claims will be 'raised to heaven'. He of all people should be the first to fall through the cracks of the earth if the apocalypse comes in October (it wont). He is just a bible hugger who instead of admitting his faults and apologizing to the THOUSANDS that are now bankrupted, poor, homeless, or dead... recalculates in denial that it will never come, he lives for it to come, he will never stop guessing.

Seriously, what kind of religious leader is inhumane enough to anticipate the demise of the human race and selfish enough to think he is going to be eating grapes and surrounded by harps in heaven?|||Harold Camping is politely referred to as a 'false prophet'. All he's done - and is going to do in what is left of his life - is scare the wits out of people like you for no reason other than to feel important. October 21st won't be the end of the world. Neither will 2012 or any other ridiculous prophesy that will come after. People have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years. It's all complete and utter B.S.|||If jesus comes on october 21st, it will be specifically to kick harold camping in the a$$. Then he is will go back to heaven and leave the rest of us to wait for his actual return date... a date which the bible says we will not know beforehand.

Camping a$$ is in big trouble because I bet Jesus has really big feet.|||no.

he predicted the end of the world in 1994. FAIL

he predicted the Christian rapture to be May 21 2011. FAIL

the odds of us all dying in October is pretty much going to be a FAIL

read the quote from the bible Matthew 24:36|||He is a false prophet and a fool. "You will neither know the day nor the hour of my coming" "I come as a thief in the night" These passages tell you exactly who knows when. No one does except God in Heaven. Not even Jesus knew. He wasn't right the first time and was made to look like a fool. Now he has done it again which makes you a fool if you believe his second prediction. "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."|||Since he's been wrong 5 times already, how many times does he have to get it wrong before you ignore him? 15? 25?

Wake up to reality and see this sort of thing for the tripe it is.|||Don't worry nothing will happen,Harold Camping is an old retarded asshole.|||In the first place, how can Americans be so gullible. Unbelievable!|||NO. I still have a book of "Forever" Postage Stamps.|||Was he right the first 2 times..|||he failed 4 other times so u have no need to worry

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