Saturday, December 24, 2011

How did Family Radio's Harold Camping come to the conclusion that the end of the world is on October 21, 2011?

Do you think it's really going to happen?|||The exact same way that all the other mentally deficits did:

Lack of critical thinking skills

Lack of historical knowledge

A deep seated need of drama in their lives

And here's a litmus test for you. If any of these dolts truly believes in 2011 or 2012, why don't they just quit their jobs and enjoy what time they have left? After all, they won't need any money after 2012. They can raid their retirement accounts, quit paying their taxes, and live it up!|||Harold Camping is a false teacher who couldn't interpret the meaning behind children's books much less the bible.

As you were soldier

God bless|||Psychosis?|||False teacher only God knows the future.

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