Saturday, December 24, 2011

What is Harold Camping's reasoning for thinking the world will begin to end on saturday?

Quoting from Wikipedia:

As early as 1970, Camping dated the Great Flood to 4990 BC. Taking the prediction in Genesis 7:4 ("Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth") to be a prediction of the end of the world, and combining it with 2 Peter 3:8 ("With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day"), Camping concludes that the end of the world will occur in 2011, 7000 years from 4990 BC. Camping takes the 17th day of the second month mentioned in Genesis 7:11 to be the 21st May, and hence predicts the rapture to occur on this date.

Another argument that Camping uses in favor of the May 21st date is as follows:

According to Camping, the number five equals "atonement", the number ten equals "completeness", and the number seventeen equals "heaven".

Christ is said to have hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.

If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year, not to be confused with the lunar year), the result is 722,449.

The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.

51 added to 722,449 is 722,500.

(5 脳 10 脳 17)2 or (atonement 脳 completeness 脳 heaven)2 also equals 722,500.

Thus, Camping concludes that 5 脳 10 脳 17 is telling us a "story from the time Christ made payment for our sins until we're completely saved."

In Camping's 1992 self-published book 1994? he predicted that the End Times would come in September 1994 (variously reported as September 4 or September 6) When the Rapture failed to occur on the appointed day, Camping said he had made a mathematical error.|||Well you don't have to be a Psychiatrist to know any thoughts of Camping's are delusional schizophrenic Rantings the bloke is a Danger to himself let alone anyone who listens to him. Was not Jones town enough what's next Campings following in his footsteps ?|||Because it's Friday, Friday, gotta get raptured on Friday?

Partying, partying, woo, partying, partying, woo, looking forward to the armegeddon.|||He is simply teaching from the Bible what God is revealing to him. There is no 'reasoning ' from himself at all.|||According to him, some of the books in the Holy Bible reveal some figures and years and these figures and years reveal the year when will Lord JESUS CHRIST come back to take HIS true believers with HIM and to judge every dead and alive. He has spend many years in getting the meaning of some of the books and calculating the year of Lord JESUS CHRIST's second coming. But, he might not be accurate and nobody should believe in his theory.

Surely, the judgment day is near. But, nobody can exactly reveal when or on which day it will be. It might be today, tomorrow or after 10 years or even more. Lord JESUS CHRIST has warned clearly not to believe anything which reveals the day of HIS (Lord JESUS') second coming on earth to take HIS true believers with HIM and to judge every dead and alive. (Matthew 24:36, The Holy BIBLE).

My dear friend, in a next few minutes you are going to read very important facts that will change your life and show you the only way to heaven's kingdom.

You don't believe in heaven?May God bless you.

I want to tell you about a greatest person who came on this earth,lived a very simple and troublesome life,still did good to others,healed others only with a mere touch of his hands,forgiven sinners and never sinned.

ok.HE is Lord Jesus Christ whom Heavenly God or Heavenly father or Parmeshwar or Khuda sent about 2006 years ago as a human being.He did good to others.He healed all manners of sickness and diseases of others.He freed them who were oppressed by the devil.He announced forgiveness for the sinners.

Still his opposers made him die on the cross.Though he had every opportunity of saving himself from the punishment,he accepted it .He did this because he knew that God had put every human being's punishment in his death.He died to receive our punishment. For everybody is a sinner and on the day of last judgement when Lord Jesus Christ will judge every dead and alive ,we sinners will be punished through the lake of fire.But God so much loves us that he put our punishment of sins on HIM so that we can receive forgiveness through his name find our way into the heaven.This is why Lord Jesus died on the cross.My friend this things are not at all fictitious but it is a sheer truth.

The heavenly father raised HIM from the death on the third day and after forty days He was carried up into the heavens.But HE is coming again and this time he will come on the clouds.HE has told about his coming.The present situation and events that are taking place on this earth give the confirmation about the coming of Lord Jesus.The wars,rumors of wars,earthquakes,deadly diseases,famines,tribulations,corruption鈥?and many other things are happening in this world according to what Jesus said.These things had to happen in order to confirm the people that the time of comeback of Lord Jesus is near.When the sun wiill be darkened;the moon will not give the light and when the astronomical events will far more often happen,then Jesus said HE will come on the clouds with his full power and supremacy and glory and take HIS true believers with him.

Therefore the time is near and it may be very short.Lord Jesus told us to be ready and How can be we ready for his coming and for the lasdt judgement?

The answer is very simple.If we repent for our sins and ask the God for forgiveness in Jesus' name;If we accept Lord Jesus as our only and personal saviour and Lord and then live a sinless life then whenever Lord Jesus comes whether we are dead or alive we will surely enter the kingdom of Heaven.If we don't we will receive the punishment in the lake of fire.

My friend the choice is yours and choice is very simple.If you repent and trust Lord Jesus you will enter the heaven.He will come in your life and will change your life even if you are bound in terrible sins or in sinful professions or surrounded by wicked people.

Though you do not know him he is your true God.Lord Jesus Chrisrt died for every man's sin,of any cast or any religion.Thougjh u do not know him he is your father who made you.

If you want to come to him pray this with your true heart and mind.

"My father in heaven,I am a sinner.I know Jesus Christ died for me.Father forgive me from my sins in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.I invite jesus christ to enter in my life.I accept Jesus christ as my personal saviour.O Jesus make me a new person and give a new meaning to my life."

If you have spoke the above with your true heart and mind,you arr forgiven.The risen Jesus christ has given you a salvation and eternal life withj him.

From now on,ask Jesus to give you a power to live a sinless life.Make a daily talk to him by praying to him daily.Read the good news(new testament/bible).Also attend prayer-meetings anywhere near to you.

This is the real truth.What the enemies of Jesus who were bound to come (according to Bible), spread is totally false.

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