Tuesday, December 20, 2011

POLL: How do you think Harold Camping feels since the world didn't end?

I bet he feels like a fool O:|||Richer!

...from the money from all the folks that believed him and donated to his ministry, which was probably what he intended in the first place.

Unless he is going to send all those donations back now...|||He is 89 and worth 130 million (made off of donations from idiot christian women) My guess is he just woke up, is trying super hard to piss and poop and is wondering what episode of Golden Girls is on the Telly.|||The world: The world didn't end- you fool

Harold : ****, well you know what!

The world: What!?

Harold: *runs away*

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…|||He probably feels relieved and satisfied that he at least tried to warn people even though it didn't happen.|||He doesn't care he already made a profit off the whole scam, just like he did 17 years ago.|||I bet he's rocking in his chair thinking "Oh darn it- I forgot to give God the message :/"|||lol @ cocopops|||Like a huge jackass.

Oh well, he deserves it.|||I don't know

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