Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What can we make of Harold Camping and his losing streak of getting the End of The World wrong twice?

I remember this nut case!

He mentioned that he screwed up on the math and this is why he failed to make an accurate prediction.

He should be locked up where you work.........in the nuthouse!!|||TWICE!?!

He has been doing this song and dance since the mid 1970's.

If by now you have not made of him a liar and a false teacher, I don't know what else to say.

The Lord would say "Let the blind lead the blind."|||Actually, he got it wrong thrice. He predicted the EOW back in the 90s I think it was.

What can we make of it? Well, in the words of Queen, "...another one bites the dust."|||Actually it's around 34 times now, and the stupid SOBs keep buying into his BS.|||Nothing, He has made enough of himself. Surely he must looking ashamed there standing in the corner alone in time out.|||Most Christians knew he was going to fail with his first false prediction. He's got no credibility.|||Just a false prophet but think of all the money he made , maybe he is not that stupid ,fleecing the gullible|||I'm sure he'll pick himself up, dust himself off, and **** with the simpletons some more.|||it won't stop other christians from believing in false prophets because it never has in the past.|||he's got one helluva racket going.

his net worth is something like $75 million.|||he thought it was april the first boy did he get fooled|||he is a false prophet and should not be listened to

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