Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Was the recent "End Of The World" prediction by Mr. Camping a Marxist hoax to discredit Christianity?

You all have been had, mainly the Athiest! The Globalist鈥檚 have used a old fool mr campling one of their constructs with the help of the globalist owned media to help worldwide discredit Christianity further, and project the feeling that there is no truth in the bible and hope in this world, except our one world communist government and currency that we are creating for the NWO, is the only thing you can believe in and have hope for.|||i have no sympathy for those nuts,and they may be libs in disguise...we have actual proof to support other "churches" engaging in that sort of game...one would be Al Gores' buddies in the westboro church...yes they are democrats,and yes Al Gore has been their supporters in the past...here are some pics...http://www.lcrga.com/news/Fred-Phelps-Al鈥?/a>|||As a Christian I have no time for this nut job or lying con artist. If you want the truth do not go to Mr. Camping. One thing you should know that is true is the danger of a global food crisis. Recently alot of America farmland has been flooded. Obama and the other top people have people warning them before this crisis. There is a Bible story about preparing for a famine. Pharaoh had only a dream and only had one warning from God. Pharaoh got his warning from a man named Joseph, who was in prison. This smelly, dirty man ridden with cockroaches warned the king that after seven years of food there would be seven years of famine and suggested that Egypt store up food before the bad seven years. The difference? Pharaoh listened to his one warning and prepared.|||Wow, you RepubliCons will blame ANYTHING on the government sheesh! The retard Camping is a so-called *"Christian pastor"*! He was WRONG in *1994* too when he said that the world was ending! He has a huge *Christian* following, many of his *SHEEP* committed suicide, gave their homes away and *CANCELED* Christmas because of what *CAMPING * falsely predicted AGAIN! That's NOT the government's fault, that's the fault of *IGNORANT* and *GULLIBLE* zealot religious freaks! Now the sheep who are still alive penniless and homeless, want all their money back from leader Camping. But Camping is now *MIA* LOL.

*Where O Where Is Harold Camping*??? LOL.|||Oh great - ANOTHER Conspiracy Theory. Can you not accept the possibility that Camping is just another religious LOON, and that his followers are nothing but a bunch of stupid, gullible LOSERS?

It's not discredited, Camping did EXACTLY what I said he would do - he backtracked on his prediction, due to a calculation error. The end of the world will now come in October, God took Saturday to judge who will be leaving Earth in October, and who will be left behind to be incinerated and starve to death.|||Christianity is a hoax anyway. You believe because fear of the unknown makes you helpless, christianity is a fools choice for those who are scared of death.|||No, because people who took him seriously aren't very familiar with the essential doctrines of Christianity in the first place and idiots who want to discredit Christianity will do so anyway.|||Hahahaha! Ya sure - if you're stupid and paranoid enough - that's what it was....

It sure isn't that you're such a complete idiot that you'll believe anything - don't think that!|||No, just another attention seeking jerk appealing to more jerks.

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