Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Was the recent "End Of The World" prediction by Mr. Camping a Marxist hoax to discredit Christianity?

You all have been had, mainly the Athiest! The Globalist鈥檚 have used a old fool mr campling one of their constructs with the help of the globalist owned media to help worldwide discredit Christianity further, and project the feeling that there is no truth in the bible and hope in this world, except our one world communist government and currency that we are creating for the NWO, is the only thing you can believe in and have hope for.|||They like to use this.

Hit and Run./ In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent

or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be

fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet

and letters-to -the-editor environments where a steady stream of new

identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning

-- simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and

never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's

viewpoint.|||Every Christian believes in an "end of the world". Some believe it can be predicted by "signs" others look to the concept of an "anti Christ" who shall rise up when the end is near and some, like Camping, try to pinpoint a precise date. This phenomenon has been going on for as long as Christianity has been around and it has been perpetrated and spread by Christians. No political or atheist ideology or lack of belief could possibly be more discrediting to Christianity then Christianity.|||That's quite a conspiracy theory. I don't think one man's prediction discredits Christianity as a whole. I feel bad for them... the Christians who believed, because they are now disappointed and confused. Even the ones that didn't believe, because now they have to deal with the aftermath from some non-Christians over one person's prediction.

I don't think 'globalists' have done anything - he already did this once in 1994. He's just a fruitloop - I don't think it's any more complicated than that.|||You already seem to have an answer to this question, but no. Harold Camping is many things but he is the furthest thing from a Marxist. Thousands of people liquidated their assets and independently promoted the idea. If it was a hoax or conspiracy it was a pretty good one.|||No, this guy is just mentally unstable and wants to be considered a prophet. He is just another false prophet, in this case I dont think the NWO has anything to do with it.... you cant rule it out obviously....but personally I just think hes a crazy.|||Sorry pal. I refuse to accept take any ridiculous conspiracy theory that doesn't at least involve the CIA, the Mafia, Cthulhu, Freemasons, Chemtrails, or some sort of aliens. So no dice.|||My opinion of the Christian faith couldn't have gotten any lower, so trying to "discredit" it wouldn't have much impact in my eyes.|||No,Christianity is discredited daily by the actions of Christians.|||Christianity does not need a "marxist hoax" to get discredited. Its members do wonderful job of that on a daily basis|||Smoking when pregnant is okay if you're wearing a tight enough tinfoil beanie.|||I'm sorry, I don't speak Crazy-Conspiracy-Theorist. Translation?|||"You all have been had" I beg to differ----Real Christians who read The Inspired Word Of GOD were NOT fooled.|||The Cold War's over, brah. Marxism isn't really a thing anymore. You can come out of your fallout shelter now.|||The nice man gave us the "LAUGH AT THE CHRISTIANS DAY" on May 22 and now he has stated there will be another "LAUGH AT THE CHRISTIANS DAY" on October 22 when the rapture again does not happen on the 21st!!|||Wow....you think one of us atheists did the minister thing until they were almost 90 just to make you guys look like jackasses.....

How did he know he wouldn't die????|||Mr. C is old enough to have know Marx. So yes, he probably got the idea of this big lie from the 'commies';

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