Saturday, December 24, 2011

Will the failure of Herald Camping's ' End of the world ' prophecy , have this result?

Cause many Christians to abandon their faith ? Possibly push them towards Allah , and the Qu'ran ?|||Don't give up yet, it's only strike two.|||No. First of all, only a tiny handful of Christians accepted Camping's prediction. Second, history has shown that when people devoted their lives to something that turned out not to be true, many simply became more entrenched rather than admit that they were wrong.|||He has made about 14 predictions, the first as far back as 1978, and his first well known one coming in the early 90's.

Yet, people still follow this @ss clown. My guess is he'll find some lame excuse/reasoning how he misread the scripture (again) and most of his dumb@ss followers will believe him.|||Many "end of the world prophecies has been advertised sort of.But no one knows the hour ,not the Son ,nor the angels,but only the Father.But seriously can you believe me when I say He is already among you.Read revelation 19:11-16 and # :11-12. especially the part about "my new name".|||Nah i don't think so. Most Christians were smart enough to realize the guy was preaching a load of bull. It's going to be hell awkward for Harold now seeing as this is like his 4th prediction wrong.|||No. God's word clearly states the truth in Matthew 24:36 that only God the Father knows when the end of the world will be and that He has not revealed it to flesh or spirit.|||The only result is his idiot fan club continuing to

carp on about him here like he's their old hero.|||No, most Christian see Harold for what he truly is; a crazy old coot.|||nope, it'll only increase it, because they think god changed his mind|||not in the slightest way! sorry to ruin your day%26amp;dash your futile hopes.|||I think it depends on the person.|||No because no one follows him.|||no it has not caused people to abandon their faith because of a false prophet|||Somehow I doubt that. Why would they seek a religion that was made up after theirs?

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