Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Where do you think Harold Camping bases his predictions about the end of the world?

By the way, how old is he?|||He is 89. Mr. Camping says over and over that "the Bible interprets itself." He applies that rule to everyone's interpretations but his own. If you think a verse means something other than what he believes he accuses you of not letting the Bible interpret itself. Camping doesn't understand that he merely strings together verses the way he wants and he let's his own prejudices and bias bring him to the conclusion he was looking for. This is very similar to people who claim there is a a hidden Bible code because words that mean something to the reader can be found mapped out like a hidden word puzzel in the text of the Bible. Of course it can when you are looking for words that already mean something to you. The funny thing is the World could end tonight on October 21st or 4 billion years from now. What God teaches us is that when you die the world ends for you and the next thing you know its judgement day. That is why we are t live like we are always alert and at the ready not to look for some future date as if it was a surety. Even if Camping is right his predicition didn't help anyone who got hit by a bus unexpectedly last week. Be ready because this night your sould could be required of thee, and then to whom shall these things belong.|||He does not use a "formula" per se. He isolates certains texts that he can date to a specific year. He focuses on the date of creation and the date of the flood. He believes that if he gets these two dates right then the end of the world has to be 7000 years to the day from creation.

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|||His second mistake is that absolutley nothing in the Bible says that the world has to end 7000 years after creation. So Harold lets his own beliefs guide his interpretation much like superstition - superstition is a force that leads us in the direction of our beliefs.

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|||Harold "Quack of Doom" Camping makes prophecies that are supposed to happen on dates in the near future. To do this he selects numbers from the Bible and adds them to other numbers, or multiples them by other numbers chosen so that the date obtained will be in the near future. It is no good to him to predict 1994 again, it has to be in the near future to impress the gullible and the terminally confused. On the other hand, a date like 2739 is no good either, since even our great great great grand children's great great great great grandchildren will be dead by then so who cares.

Whatever numbers he chooses that are not in the Bible, he will claim have a special spiritual meaning as long as they give the right dates. Prophets have been doing this sort of thing for 1500 years, maybe more and of course are always wrong.|||The date was supposed to be the 7000th anniversary of the World Flood.

I don't know where he got that.

According to Bishop Ussher, the World Flood took place 2349-2348 BC.

Nor do I know why the rapture was supposed to take place on the 7000th anniversary of the World Flood.

He might have chosen October 21 because it is Simchat Torah , a Jewish holiday.

I don't know why Harold Camping expects Judgment Day to take place on Simchat Torah,

or why he chose this particular Simchat Torah.

Sorry I couldn't do better than that.|||He picked a date and then concocted a mathematical formula around that date.

The date May 21, 2011 corresponds with the date Iyar 17, the day he believed the flood started. The flood started on Cheshvan 17 which is 6 months off from the date he picked. The reason for this is that while Iyar is the second month on the calendar now it wasn't at the time of the flood. The calendar changed in Exodus 12:2. You would think a "bible scholar" such as Camping would have known this.

ex Christian.|||He concocts them.

Camping's use of numbers are without justification. Take the example of Acts 27:37. Camping says 276 breaks down as 3X4X23. Even if Camping is correct that the number three means "God's purpose" four is "universality" and twenty-three is "judgment" then why should we understand this to mean that it is God's purpose that believers will escape God's judgment at the end of the church age? Also, what rule of interpretation says that 276 should be broken down as 3x4x23? Why not 276=(7x43)-(5x5)? Interestingly, if this last formula were used, it could be consistent with Camping's theology. Nevertheless, a Christian follows the words of God as the Bible dictates, which says that we will not know the day nor the hour of God's coming and the Lord will come like a thief in the night. Do we follow God or do we follow Harold Camping? Is Harold Camping the only man who has the Holy Spirit? We know this is false. We also know that the Bible states that if someone is proclaimed a prophecy which has not come to pass, then that person has proven himself/herself to be a false prophet. Harold Camping was wrong in 1994. That being said, Harold Camping contradicts the words of God, by claiming that he knows the date. Harold Camping is calling God a liar. A true Christian follows the teachings of the Bible.|||The question is%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; people it is not about many of the things you expounded on. Furthermore he may have tried to predict dates which the Bible says no one knows, but the man is not stupid nor an idiot. I have surmised from seeing 1% of all your exposure to his news appearances that he is a highly intelligent man, nor do I believe his cells are deteriorated. Facts: he was a senior at UC Berkley @ 20 years of age, he was an engineer, probably didn't burn his brain cells to death with drugs, he amassed a fortune said to be $100's of millions. He apparently owns a radio network. And he does not need other people's money as so many believe. He is probably sitting on his gold lazyboy laughing at our stupidity. He is a member of Yahoo!Answers, yet you all speak of him as if he is on a trip to the hinterlands. Why don't you address your questions to him?|||Hi. He has a different Bible, the real Christian Bible says that no one not even Jesus Christ , or the angels knows when the end of the World will happened , just God the Father knows this. So this makes Mr. Camping a liar and a false Prophet . He is kind of close to ninety years old i think not to sure about that.|||He is a false prophet. Only God knows when the end will come. No one, not even Jesus or the angels know. Mr. Camping and all the others before him who predicted this are false prophets. We are to keep looking upward and await His coming, or He will come upon us like a thief in the night.|||Where do you think Harold Camping bases his predictions about the end of the world? On the toilet, trying to figure out how to get his gullible followers to give him their money.

By the way, how old is he? Old enough to swindle people out of their money.|||He's 89 or 90, and unlike other doomsday prophets, he posted his calculations on his website. He apparently flunked second-grade arithmetic and suffered from some irrational thinking patterns.|||Insanity? Delusion? Ignorance?

Ugh.... I could go on and on. He's an idiot.|||He makes up some equation based on numbers in the Bible and calls it truth. 2,000 years ago he would have been worshiped as a prophet.|||On his own needs, for attention and money.

Late 80's I think, and I hope for his sake he gets right with God really soon.|||He is 89 and proof that wisdom does not come with age. Chances are that he is pulling these dates from a plaque covered brain cell.|||Alzheimer's.|||he is a false prophet god himself said you will not know the day nor the hour of my return.|||He pulls them out of his ancient sagging as*s.|||He gets them from his old and decrepit brain.|||The Bible|||He just makes stuff up.|||He's 89 and given his track record, I'd say he pulls them straight out of his a**.|||the bible...he has said that many times!

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