Saturday, December 24, 2011

What is Harold Camping (of family radio) going to do when it turns out the world is not ending May21,2011?

Will he apologize or just say he was right but God interviewed at the last second ....|||Hopefully, he will retire.|||Well first, the question doesn't really fit into what Harold Camping believes. Mr. Camping actually says the world will end on October 21, 2011 and NOT on May 21. May 21, he says, is the beginning of Judgment Day, and the world will continue in Judgment for 5 months, until October 21.

The question more correctly would be "What is Harold Camping going to do when it turns out that Judgment Day isn't May 21, 2011?"

My answer would be that Harold Camping isn't going to do anything here on earth, because he wont be on this earth. He'll be with the Lord, because the Bible insists that May 21, 2011 IS Judgment Day.

Instead of passing the question off without knowledge, wont you look into the Bible to "see if these things are so?"

May the Lord bless you|||It won't happen because the Almighty is not going to give us that much of a head's up. I also am skeptical of anything Christian with the word "family" thrown in to make it "trustworthy" or something. Buzzwords should be left to the bumblebees.

"Everybody got to deviate from the norm.....everybody got to elevate from the norm...."鈥?/a>|||He will make up some kind of "reason" and then he will set another date.|||Pretend he never specified that date, and pick a new one.|||He'll go camping.|||You mean aside from looking foolish?|||Same thing they did in the 90's, just ignore the date going by, and pick a new date. He's a false teacher, obviously.

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