Friday, December 16, 2011

What are some message's left on Harold Camping (guy who predicted the world would end) answering machine?

just for fun, Harold Camping, the guy who predicted the world would end, but here we are, we're still here. so just for fun, what messages have been left on his answering machine?

please be as funny (Dave Letterman) and creative as possible.|||"Harold... this is God. Look, man... I am like totally lost. Seriously, I know I created the world but that was like eons ago, and I've had a lot on my plate since then. Do you turn left at Saturn or Jupiter. Look... if you get this, try my cell. Hopefully I can get a brick or two up here, 'cause these sun spots are wreaking havoc on my reception. Later! [BEEP]"|||you have well done the work to your father the devil and to the illuminati.

confusing and mocking the rapture. behold, God is not to be mocked.|||Harold Camping is still hiding, or maybe he was whisked away! IDK, most people have forgotton about him except those who have donated monies torwards his lies.|||cheer up harold everyone makes mistakes it's not like it's the end of the world.|||Can I borrow some of the 10 million $$$ you made last year?|||See you on Monday.|||Does your public school system High School math teacher still have a job?

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