Saturday, December 24, 2011

So what excuse does harold camping have ths time for being wrong about the end of the world?

this time it was supposed to end on october 21st and idk about you but my friday went by without anything exciting happening.|||How about the excuse that he is a 90 something year old senile man in a nursing home

I mean geez, pretty pathetic that you held on to his words that much that you have to keep beating this dead horse more then it has already been beaten.

BTW, I do not know a single Christian that gave him a second thought.

It seems to only be his small congregation and a bunch of (not all) atheists that give him any attention.|||My comment on statement that we should not judge:

Often times you hear my christian friends say oh you should not judge. The fact is there is a judgment which mankind don't have the right to make: condemning someone to hell or trying to determine what's in a man's heart, or making wrong judgment (this was often done by the scribes and pharisees in Jesus time). That being said, making regular judgments is not only normal but is supported from scripture. We make decision each day what to wear, where to go, what to do. We are also expected to weigh what's right and wrong (hopefully with a conscience guided by the Word of God).

Some additional examples: if a person lies on a regular basis we can make the judgment (base on scripture) that they are a liar; if a person continues and stubbornly distort scripture and teaches wrong doctrines and we can make the conclusion (i.e. judgment) base on scripture that they are false teachers and possibly a cult leader. This has nothing to do with love or hating someone, it is simply making a conclusion base on their continues actions.

BTW, I often hear callers call into his radio program and try to politely show him from scripture that his teachers are wrong, he repeatedly talk over them, don't allow them to finish, and hang up on them. How can one say this man didn't know what he was doing? I could give other examples of his deliberate wrong actions as he work to dominate that radio station but will stop here.

Just as Harold Camping had and still have many following, so in the political world here in the us, you have the majority of folks easily swayed by misinformation from the media and dishonest politicians.

As individual it is our responsibility to not be deceive, and to check and proof all things as the Bible tells us to.

Peace out!|||To be perfectly honest I had never heard of him until I read his first prediction and all the mockery of his prediction. He is 90 yrs. old and has been in the ministry for about 58 years. As an elderly man he is probably experiencing senility which the members of his should have recognized. In spite of these predictions I don't believe they are deliberates acts of deceit or fraud. Will God hold him accountable for this? Only God knows and since we don't know the mind of God we can't pass judgment.

The majority who were deceived were members of his church and had been for years and they should have known better than to believe his "prophecy". Anyone who has any knowledge of the Bible knows the prophecies about the second coming of Jesus, Matt. 24:36, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Also, Luke 21:25, 26: There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”

The reason the nations will be in anguish and perplexity are the “signs”; strange and unusual things, that take place in among the sun, moon, and planets. The sea does not refer to people or nations being in turmoil! It refers to the oceans of the world. The cosmic events that will affect the sun, moon, and stars also will affect our oceans, causing great swells and tides, because the moon affects the ocean tides.

Cosmic events are the only certain signs of the coming Day of Judgment, because Judgment Day will be caused by events in this solar system. People will die of heart attacks, frightened about the unusual things that will happen in this solar system, "for the heavenly bodies will be shaken"-- which are the planets and stars in our solar system, including Earth.

We will do well to remember the scripture found in Matt. 7:

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

In His Name,


Apostolic Believer in One God, Jesus|||Everybody-- Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, etc-- knew he was full of crap.

In any case, he's an attention whore, nothing more.

And I have to say that *some* people are taking this matter WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

Lighten up, people.|||If i was him i would've disappered off the face off the planet and make people think i was the only one to get raptured... XD|||I think it was supposed to be the rapture, not the end. He still needs to explain why he's still here though.|||he doesn't need an excuse. He is a scam artist, and a multimillionaire. The dumb a$$ Christians are the ones who decided to spend all their money on billboards.|||He's a complete bell end and therefore incapable of rational thought or sane utterances?|||He claims that he read the bible wrong.|||Why believe any idiot who claims to talk to a god?|||We all knew he was wrong back in May and before that too|||At least he's a Christian willing to risk being wrong, that's a lot more than I can say about most Christians I've ever seen here or met.

What has harold camping said about the rapture and the end of the world now its not happened?

I was told that he now says he appears to have been mistaken,

but that he still is certain the world will end this year.

Since he is 89 years old,

this world almost certainly will end for Harold Camping within the next two decades.

I hope and pray that he repents of his sins before he leaves this world.

I am Roman Catholic.

Peace be with you.|||"It has been a really tough weekend," Camping said Sunday, after emerging from his Alameda, California home for the first time to talk to a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle. "I'm looking for answers ... But now I have nothing else to say," he said, adding that he would make a full statement today.|||He claimed those who didn't go up with the rapture on May 21 would go up on Oct. 21, 2011, but I think he might have changed his mind by now. They took a history of his life and it's interesting. The church he went to urged him to not make any more predictions----that was some years ago. The only person close to him who believes him is his wife it seems. He has 7 children (but 1 died) and 138 great-grandchildren. He's 89.|||He was on the radio this morning and and the only answer he really had was ' i don't know what went wrong' false prophets will come and go. Matt 24, indicates many things that have to take place b4 judgement day|||Have no idea,no ones heard from him,he may have been ruptured and it's just not been reported yet.|||The jerk is in hidding... with all the millions of dollars he got from his followers.|||harold who?

Will the failure of Herald Camping's ' End of the world ' prophecy , have this result?

Cause many Christians to abandon their faith ? Possibly push them towards Allah , and the Qu'ran ?|||Don't give up yet, it's only strike two.|||No. First of all, only a tiny handful of Christians accepted Camping's prediction. Second, history has shown that when people devoted their lives to something that turned out not to be true, many simply became more entrenched rather than admit that they were wrong.|||He has made about 14 predictions, the first as far back as 1978, and his first well known one coming in the early 90's.

Yet, people still follow this @ss clown. My guess is he'll find some lame excuse/reasoning how he misread the scripture (again) and most of his dumb@ss followers will believe him.|||Many "end of the world prophecies has been advertised sort of.But no one knows the hour ,not the Son ,nor the angels,but only the Father.But seriously can you believe me when I say He is already among you.Read revelation 19:11-16 and # :11-12. especially the part about "my new name".|||Nah i don't think so. Most Christians were smart enough to realize the guy was preaching a load of bull. It's going to be hell awkward for Harold now seeing as this is like his 4th prediction wrong.|||No. God's word clearly states the truth in Matthew 24:36 that only God the Father knows when the end of the world will be and that He has not revealed it to flesh or spirit.|||The only result is his idiot fan club continuing to

carp on about him here like he's their old hero.|||No, most Christian see Harold for what he truly is; a crazy old coot.|||nope, it'll only increase it, because they think god changed his mind|||not in the slightest way! sorry to ruin your day%26amp;dash your futile hopes.|||I think it depends on the person.|||No because no one follows him.|||no it has not caused people to abandon their faith because of a false prophet|||Somehow I doubt that. Why would they seek a religion that was made up after theirs?

What is Harold Camping (of family radio) going to do when it turns out the world is not ending May21,2011?

Will he apologize or just say he was right but God interviewed at the last second ....|||Hopefully, he will retire.|||Well first, the question doesn't really fit into what Harold Camping believes. Mr. Camping actually says the world will end on October 21, 2011 and NOT on May 21. May 21, he says, is the beginning of Judgment Day, and the world will continue in Judgment for 5 months, until October 21.

The question more correctly would be "What is Harold Camping going to do when it turns out that Judgment Day isn't May 21, 2011?"

My answer would be that Harold Camping isn't going to do anything here on earth, because he wont be on this earth. He'll be with the Lord, because the Bible insists that May 21, 2011 IS Judgment Day.

Instead of passing the question off without knowledge, wont you look into the Bible to "see if these things are so?"

May the Lord bless you|||It won't happen because the Almighty is not going to give us that much of a head's up. I also am skeptical of anything Christian with the word "family" thrown in to make it "trustworthy" or something. Buzzwords should be left to the bumblebees.

"Everybody got to deviate from the norm.....everybody got to elevate from the norm...."鈥?/a>|||He will make up some kind of "reason" and then he will set another date.|||Pretend he never specified that date, and pick a new one.|||He'll go camping.|||You mean aside from looking foolish?|||Same thing they did in the 90's, just ignore the date going by, and pick a new date. He's a false teacher, obviously.

What "End of the World" date will Harold Camping make up after May 21st?

What will be the date?|||I think he has stated so forcefully that his group 'knows' this is the correct date, and he has got so much publicity about it, that his credibility will be completely ruined, everybody will stop listening to him and nobody will believe him if he does make another prediction. Am I over-rating the intelligence of the sort of people who believe this stuff? I hope not.

He has made quite enough money from this scam to retire on, anyway.|||If the end of the world he predicted will not come, then he will be very busy preparing for the end of his cult! May be, as he predicted, by October 21st, his cult will be toatlly wiped our out of this earth already. Let us watch and see. Only God knows! What will be ... will be!|||I don't believe him nor my family and friends.. why? because according in the bible no man or even the angels know what time will Jesus goes down in earth to judge us.. I only believe in God and not to a man that saying he knows it.. I just hope we will stop pretending he know everything.. He should go to jail for this kind of panic that he is trying to create.. he should face the consequences of his action..|||Based on his last attempt for 1994 17 years ago.....2011+17=2028?

Where are the Two-Witnesses of Revelation Ch. 11?鈥?/a>

They are meant to Prophesy 1260 days with the whole world aware they are here.|||Dont worry about it.... Yur gunna die regardless......... Just sayin

Things dont last forever soo dont wrry/stess about it I mean yu can die any part of the day , thats y live yur life with the fullest no regrets just love %26lt;33(:|||His first attempt at predicting was 1995 if I remember correctly (October is his choice for 'Armageddon)|||12/21/12 is just around the corner, luckily for him.|||He still has Oct 21st to fall back on, after that I wouldn't be surprised if we hear some garbage about spring on 2012.|||Lol well I heard that the next date is October 21, 2011 or maybe he'll come up with 11/11/11 Who knows?|||I hope his old age catches up to him and he forgets what numbers are so we don't have to deal with his lies ever again.|||He's already thrown October 21st around a couple of times. Who knows what he'll do after that.|||well,... he's creating jobs by putting all them billboards up. give him that.

How is Harold Camping going to explain himself (again), when the world doesn't end as he predicted?;hl=en…

he already did, see?|||He will go back and restudy his work and say that he found a mistake and then give YET another date.

He claims “In 2 Peter 3:8, which is quoted above, Holy God reminds us that one day is as 1,000 years.”

This shows that he does not understand the Bible nor plain simple words for that matter.

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Hw does not understand that WITH THE Lord 1 day is AS a thousand years and also A thousand years is AS one day. Meaning that time has no real meaning with God. That when His Saints are with Him that Time does not matter.

Nor does this man understand this verse either;

“Mar 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”

Notice that Jesus the Son of God stated that NOT EVEN HE knows the hour of His return that Only God knows. So how could this man claim that he knows something that the Son of God does not know?

Private emails accepted

David|||By having his doctor release his diagnostic of advanced dementia.|||I think he has a plan to hang himself to avoid the embarrasement.|||most likely say-"Oops, another mathmatical mistake." Like last time.|||Shameless Disciple is a fag.|||Free beer for everybody :)|||I sure he will blame it on the calendar he used.

Then he will go looking for Dr. jack to help him get out of it.|||He was just trying to make money off of naive people. He'll do it again next year with some 2012 b.s.|||"j/k"|||Probably just going to say that the world is

going to end on some other date/.|||"Oops. I'll try again next year."|||WHO CARES? He is without excuse. This is what happens when people follow men and not God and The Bible.|||"oops I was holding my calculater upside down! The world will end. June 5 for sure"|||kill himself at five past 6

NASCAR Camping World Truck Race?

I'm watching the race at Daytona on SPEED (scheduled to start at 7:00 PM CT) and they said the race was postponed until tomorrow due to rain. But the truck race is still going on. Did they dry the track, or what? Please explain.|||They are replaying Last Years race in the time slot. the 2010 race is still a go for TOMORROW night. I agree, I double-taked as well when I flicked past Speed and saw JR Fitzpatrick leading Kyle Busch!|||it was a replay of last years race

it messed me up becasue I heard Mikey talk about the 2-pit stops rule and it messed me up.

then the single file restart messed me up|||It's last year's race. I was just as confused. I kept wondering why they were talking about Ricky Carmichael being a rookie and all......................|||Replay of last year, I was wondering why Johnny Benson was driving the 1 car|||replay of last years race , they are gonna race the trucks tomorrow at 6

Is it Oct 21st anywhere in the world? Has Camping been finally proven delusional now?


███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE.

Install delayed....please wait.

Installation failed. Please try again. 404 error: Rapture not found.

EVENT "Rapture" cannot be located. The rapture you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.|||No.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

3 Romans 6:15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Romans 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.|||It will be Oct 21 on the International Dateline in about 11 1/2 hours.

(Wait--I'm probably screwed up because of Daylight Savings Time. Oh well...)

Wait, I am screwed up. Oct 21 will be OVER by that time.|||Delusional.|||I'm pretty sure he's been delusional a lot longer then his life in the media.|||HE IS A FALSE PROPHET ONLY SATAN IS GUIDING HIM!!!!!!NO LIE OF THE DEVIL IS OF TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BUT JUST BECAUSE MAN FAILS"DOES NOT MEAN GOD'S TIME WILL!!!!!!!!

THERE IS COMING A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONLY HE KNOWS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||I feel sorry for thoughs who actually believed him.|||Im already past midnight, but it is supposed to happen at noon|||Time zones are a ***** when predicting the end of the world|||Essex, England and it's past midnight.|||It's already past noon on the 21st in New Zealand

What reason will Harold Camping give when the World does NOT end until May-22 ?

Well, he can't say he miscalculated. He already used that one :)|||"it was all a scam to bring people closer to God" %26lt;--- the truth, even if he refuses to say it.

"the math was wrong" what he'll probably say.|||He will just have to say he made a miscalculation and then give a new date.|||oh I made a miscalculation the world is really gonna end on __________!|||God pulled a late April Fool's joke...|||Maybe that it was a new type of viral advertising?? I don't know what for...|||im sure he's been planning it for months, possible years.|||that jesus got snagged up in LA traffic

What does the current pope and religious leaders think about the world ending on Saturday and Harold Camping?

To the best of my knowledge, the Catholic Church thinks so little of Rev Camping's "prophecy" that it has not made any statements on the issue.

+ 2011 +

The man behind the May 21, 2011 prophecy, Harold Camping has already been incorrect once and, therefore, is a false prophet. If he had lived in Old Testament times, he would have been stoned to death for making an incorrect prophecy. No responsible Christian leader supports his "prophecy"鈥?/a>

+ The End of the World +

"But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)

Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

Each new Christian denomination seems to worry about the end of the world a bit too much. Then after a couple of centuries, they realize that there are always wars and rumors of wars, etc.

I won't even mention the hundreds of false predictions of the end of the world over the centuries, all of which were based on individual interpretations of biblical prophecies.

The first century Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everything happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:鈥?/a>

With love in Christ.|||Camping just wants to be famous. Every question about him makes him more famous. Please stop.|||They're either laughing or troubled by his reckless speculating for the second time.|||The pope believes in evolution, the world cant end tomorrow...........%26gt;|||I am wondering if it is Harold word that is going to end, after all he is 87 years old?|||For all the things he sees in the future and days to come.... he didnt see the world STILL existing and laughing at him

What is Harold Camping's reasoning for thinking the world will begin to end on saturday?

Quoting from Wikipedia:

As early as 1970, Camping dated the Great Flood to 4990 BC. Taking the prediction in Genesis 7:4 ("Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth") to be a prediction of the end of the world, and combining it with 2 Peter 3:8 ("With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day"), Camping concludes that the end of the world will occur in 2011, 7000 years from 4990 BC. Camping takes the 17th day of the second month mentioned in Genesis 7:11 to be the 21st May, and hence predicts the rapture to occur on this date.

Another argument that Camping uses in favor of the May 21st date is as follows:

According to Camping, the number five equals "atonement", the number ten equals "completeness", and the number seventeen equals "heaven".

Christ is said to have hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.

If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year, not to be confused with the lunar year), the result is 722,449.

The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.

51 added to 722,449 is 722,500.

(5 脳 10 脳 17)2 or (atonement 脳 completeness 脳 heaven)2 also equals 722,500.

Thus, Camping concludes that 5 脳 10 脳 17 is telling us a "story from the time Christ made payment for our sins until we're completely saved."

In Camping's 1992 self-published book 1994? he predicted that the End Times would come in September 1994 (variously reported as September 4 or September 6) When the Rapture failed to occur on the appointed day, Camping said he had made a mathematical error.|||Well you don't have to be a Psychiatrist to know any thoughts of Camping's are delusional schizophrenic Rantings the bloke is a Danger to himself let alone anyone who listens to him. Was not Jones town enough what's next Campings following in his footsteps ?|||Because it's Friday, Friday, gotta get raptured on Friday?

Partying, partying, woo, partying, partying, woo, looking forward to the armegeddon.|||He is simply teaching from the Bible what God is revealing to him. There is no 'reasoning ' from himself at all.|||According to him, some of the books in the Holy Bible reveal some figures and years and these figures and years reveal the year when will Lord JESUS CHRIST come back to take HIS true believers with HIM and to judge every dead and alive. He has spend many years in getting the meaning of some of the books and calculating the year of Lord JESUS CHRIST's second coming. But, he might not be accurate and nobody should believe in his theory.

Surely, the judgment day is near. But, nobody can exactly reveal when or on which day it will be. It might be today, tomorrow or after 10 years or even more. Lord JESUS CHRIST has warned clearly not to believe anything which reveals the day of HIS (Lord JESUS') second coming on earth to take HIS true believers with HIM and to judge every dead and alive. (Matthew 24:36, The Holy BIBLE).

My dear friend, in a next few minutes you are going to read very important facts that will change your life and show you the only way to heaven's kingdom.

You don't believe in heaven?May God bless you.

I want to tell you about a greatest person who came on this earth,lived a very simple and troublesome life,still did good to others,healed others only with a mere touch of his hands,forgiven sinners and never sinned.

ok.HE is Lord Jesus Christ whom Heavenly God or Heavenly father or Parmeshwar or Khuda sent about 2006 years ago as a human being.He did good to others.He healed all manners of sickness and diseases of others.He freed them who were oppressed by the devil.He announced forgiveness for the sinners.

Still his opposers made him die on the cross.Though he had every opportunity of saving himself from the punishment,he accepted it .He did this because he knew that God had put every human being's punishment in his death.He died to receive our punishment. For everybody is a sinner and on the day of last judgement when Lord Jesus Christ will judge every dead and alive ,we sinners will be punished through the lake of fire.But God so much loves us that he put our punishment of sins on HIM so that we can receive forgiveness through his name find our way into the heaven.This is why Lord Jesus died on the cross.My friend this things are not at all fictitious but it is a sheer truth.

The heavenly father raised HIM from the death on the third day and after forty days He was carried up into the heavens.But HE is coming again and this time he will come on the clouds.HE has told about his coming.The present situation and events that are taking place on this earth give the confirmation about the coming of Lord Jesus.The wars,rumors of wars,earthquakes,deadly diseases,famines,tribulations,corruption鈥?and many other things are happening in this world according to what Jesus said.These things had to happen in order to confirm the people that the time of comeback of Lord Jesus is near.When the sun wiill be darkened;the moon will not give the light and when the astronomical events will far more often happen,then Jesus said HE will come on the clouds with his full power and supremacy and glory and take HIS true believers with him.

Therefore the time is near and it may be very short.Lord Jesus told us to be ready and How can be we ready for his coming and for the lasdt judgement?

The answer is very simple.If we repent for our sins and ask the God for forgiveness in Jesus' name;If we accept Lord Jesus as our only and personal saviour and Lord and then live a sinless life then whenever Lord Jesus comes whether we are dead or alive we will surely enter the kingdom of Heaven.If we don't we will receive the punishment in the lake of fire.

My friend the choice is yours and choice is very simple.If you repent and trust Lord Jesus you will enter the heaven.He will come in your life and will change your life even if you are bound in terrible sins or in sinful professions or surrounded by wicked people.

Though you do not know him he is your true God.Lord Jesus Chrisrt died for every man's sin,of any cast or any religion.Thougjh u do not know him he is your father who made you.

If you want to come to him pray this with your true heart and mind.

"My father in heaven,I am a sinner.I know Jesus Christ died for me.Father forgive me from my sins in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.I invite jesus christ to enter in my life.I accept Jesus christ as my personal saviour.O Jesus make me a new person and give a new meaning to my life."

If you have spoke the above with your true heart and mind,you arr forgiven.The risen Jesus christ has given you a salvation and eternal life withj him.

From now on,ask Jesus to give you a power to live a sinless life.Make a daily talk to him by praying to him daily.Read the good news(new testament/bible).Also attend prayer-meetings anywhere near to you.

This is the real truth.What the enemies of Jesus who were bound to come (according to Bible), spread is totally false.

Why can't Harold Devil Camping Stop predicting the end of the world?

he is just scaring people to death all over again!

he is just scamming and deceiving folks all over again!

why can't he just give it up!

why don't they just lock him up!|||'cause He's a liar, yeah, He's a liar

He'll tear (rip) your mind up, He'll burn your soul

He'll turn you into him, He'll turn you into him

'cause He's a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar...|||There are psychological reasons. Groups having a prediction fail always makes them put up another one, and become even more entrenched in it. He did exactly what I expected, since that October date was part of the original.|||Sigh, he is about 89 years old, maybe it's because he'll soon be gone. Because Jesus said not even the son or the angels in heaven knows when God will come, so who is the old Guy nothing but A FALSE PROPHET. By the way, he is now wrong twice and still trying to make a lucky guess. I think he is an idiot honestly. What he should have done is give away all his money and belongs to the poor, since he predicted the day the world would end. His predictions is a bag of crap! Live your life good in God eyes and all should be well and read your bible too.|||Seriously, after that woman tried to kill her kids with a box cutter he should just STFU. Honestly, he should be ashamed and apologetic. And people should stop buying into his "predictions."|||Its like getting a Tattoo l hear- you get one, and then you want another, and another and so forth and so on...

Its an addiction.|||$100 million dollars tell me he likes this job|||Why does everyone care?

Just ignore the guy.

People are allowed to believe in whatever they want!|||It's all about money.

Yeah, lock him up in a home.|||He's making money off stupid people.

Does anyone of Harold Camping followers believe that the World will end in October?

people are ugh i don't know anymore like they go with the wind they see something convincing because of a few words and explanations and they go with it so i don't know.But im pretty sure that if they follow him then they believe it too then i guess.|||I bet they won't be following Camping now that they lost almost all their money.|||Probably, and they'll continue to follow his teachings come November and beyond. Then again, Camping himself is getting rather old, so he may very well check out in October.|||They probably do.

I'm sure that some have seen the light. Like the guy who drew out all his life's savings to buy all those billboards. I hope he has.|||I don't think that he has too many followers left.|||Who care we are all getting the beer in for the following days "LAUGH AT THE CHRISTIANS AGAIN DAY"!|||Yes, sadly, they do.

Why Does Harold Camping get so much Publicity about his third end of the world prediction?

When his other two predictions failed and next Friday will likely prove to be false as well|||Because the media is full of idiots.|||hopefully he is correct and his existence will end then so he will STFU and quit scaring children and gullible adults.|||Third time is a charm. Yet, since things happen in threes, it would seem to be his final failure is up and coming.|||chuz believers are gullible.|||If it had not been for Y! A I would never have heard of him or the 2012 fraud.|||Because he spends money spaming his "message from god"

Can Johnny sauter become Camping World 2010 champion?

Maybe if he can talk Kyle Busch into intentionally wrecking Bodine a few more times, but earlier in the race.|||He is in 3rd place he is going to need some bad luck by the leader and 2nd place drivers and Sauter needs to win a race or 2. It can be done, but I doubt it.

Go Dale Jr|||not likely, but maybe the 2011 camping world truck series championship|||Well 3rd in points and seven races left...he needs to do exceptionally well I has a great shot at it.|||Personally i'd like to see it but Todd and Kyle are pretty strong

Atheists, how did Camping manage to clear out all the 2012 end of the world questions?

I didn't think it was possible.|||He didn't; they're still being posted, and will continue to be, especially after Camping's 10/21/11 re-calculation turns out to be yet another farce.|||It should have made everyone suspicious when he predicted the end of the world before the first one happened, lulz.|||Listen to what he has to say here.鈥?/a>|||Pretty simple since that theory of 2012 comes from what we know of the Mayans.

If it were me, I would ask: Would you believe in an end predicted by people who worshiped snakes?|||Who knows? The guy needs to throw in the towel and move to Florida.

Besides Harold Camping, who else predicted the world would end yesterday?

Someone predicted natural disasters in Europe etc. but I can't recall the names.|||The Icelandic volcanologists who predicted that the most active volcano in Iceland will erupt. The laugh is on them!|||No one.

Will Harold Camping ever figure out that just because he is old does not mean the world is ending for everyone?

He seems to be having trouble coping with his own mortality. I suppose his rapture predictions will become more frequent as he knocks on Heaven's door.|||Not a chance.|||He's just angry because his life long enemy Gerald Hamping beat him at bingo|||hes old and lonley and hes near death so he wants other people to be miserable with him misery loves company|||I doubt it.

What will happen to Harold Camping if the world will not end on May 21, 2011?

Probably nothing.

He did all this back in 1994 and being wrong then didn't stop him.|||He will do exactly what he did last time he predicted the end of the world (1994), and choose a new date.

All of his followers will follow him anyway, because they are brainwashed.

Harold Camping: Pack your bags and be on the next train out of here!|||Camping announces that he'll finally stop predicting dates and offically retiring his career just 2 months before his 90th Birthday.|||He will pick a new date.

Nascar camping world east series?

How do you get into it?|||The best way is to get offered a ride. I know that sounds almost impossible but if you are good it's not. You want to run races (Late Models, Modifieds or Legends) at your local track preferably a track the camping world series races at (East or West). For example I live in California so i would want to race at Irwindale Speedway. If you run well you never know who will want you to drive for them. If that doesn't seem like a possibility for whatever reason. You may want to consider buying your own car. It can be expensive but if you have the money its worth it. They usually cost around $60,000 for a car but they can be almost half that if you get one used (Look at sources).|||Buy a ticket

Harold Camping: World's biggest idiot and liar?

He's just a delusional whack job and psycho-religious basket case.|||An Idiot? Yes

Delusional? Yes

Liar? No, and here is why. To be a liar you have to intentionally deceive someone, to know what you are saying is false. Harold Camping genuinely believed that his predictions were true, he was not trying to deceive anyone, and as a result he cannot have lied.

This doesn't mean he's not a complete nutter though, he clearly is.|||He is a liar! But, an idiot? He now has more $$$$$ than we all will ever honestly earn in our combined lifetimes. He will quietly go to heaven. And, by 'heaven' I mean some white sandy beaches in Tahiti, or the like. All from the generous donations which he acquired the gullible, naive people that placed their trust in him.

I only hope he will be humble enough to fly coach.|||Harold camping !!! why would someone give this idiot so much attention, he is a freken joke !! i hope you go to hell for scarying many kids, this is not cool, not cool at all. Sick of hearing kids saying that today was their last day to live ..... Who in the world will fund this morran ?????|||I hate it when people act like this. They're so obsessed with the end of the world, almost as if they want it to happen. They're just cowards, and they've pretty much ruined their lives now. i don't know whether to feel sorry for them or to laugh at them.|||God is going to come like a thief in the night. NOBODY and i mean NOBODY will know when the rapture will happen. Harold is an effing moron for thinking he knows. what a big damn IDIOT|||He's both. He's a scam artist, and a con, and he'd be the last of humanity to ever be raptured. he should be ashamed of himself! Can we all move one now?|||I didn't get scared by it. I didn't believe any of that garbage. Harold Camping is an idiot and he needs a brain scan.|||I have confirmed the following: Harold Camping is an idiot. And a liar.|||I don't care if he "Did" feel it. You don't scare the crap outta people like that. Attention wanter. He's going to be disliked tomorrow.|||Attention seeking init|||Don't forget Heretic.|||DON'T FALL FOR CAMPING! (Copy and paste to spread the word!)|||I wonder what he feels like right now. That man is an embarrassment to me as a Christian.|||BOTH|||you could say hes a terrorist|||Yes because we are all still here. arent we?|||Neither, i'm sure he truly believed in himself that he was right this time around, you can't hate on someone for that even if they were wrong, it was up to others whether or not they would believe him too.

Do you think Harold Camping is going to set another date for the end of the world?

Or do you think he is going to make up some excuse and stop?|||There's really only seven things a Doomsday prophet CAN say once a prophecy fails to come true, a list worked out by social psychologists back in the 1950s:

鈥?The prophecy was fulfilled, spiritually

鈥?The prophecy was fulfilled physically, but not as expected

鈥?The date was miscalculated

鈥?The date was a loose prediction, not a specific prophecy

鈥?The date was a warning, not a prophecy

鈥?A merciful deity changed his mind

鈥?Prophecy was simply a test of the group members鈥?faith

Whether Camping will try and set another date or not, he will need to address his previous incorrect date first. To do so, he would have to refer to this list and pick at least one of these options. For the May 21 prediction, he has actually blended two of these answers by saying it was both "fulfilled spiritually" and "a warning."

As of right now, the Family Radio organization has been ordered not to talk to the media, so for the moment it looks like Camping will not be engaging in any more date-setting.|||I hope not..This can be an Obsession if you let it get the better of you. Lets just let God pick the Date then we all can relax BUT be ready in your Faith to meet God. You can relax but not in a sinful way---just wanted to make that clear if I was misunderstood. You can have Fun but you don't have to sin in doing this.|||You never know what a false prophet will do. I did not listen to him the first time because of what our Lord said.

Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

No one should be listening to him any more because of what the Bible says in Deuteronomy.

Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Our Lord will come in a day when no one will expect, as a thief in the night. Even so, may we all be ready for the coming of our Lord Jesus.|||He'll make another date. If he doesn't, he loses his flock and can't make any more money off them. Maintaining those radio stations, web sites, buses, cars and other propaganda spreading his lies takes a lot of money.|||@ Chris A to the Men. My feelings that exactly. That spirit he is operating in is certainly not reading the Word. No man knows the hour or the day.

.|||He will continue to do so until his date with his end will come up, and then, he will stop.|||I'm no expert on the subject, but I think he may stop.

Although today is the first time I have heard of him.|||I hope he's done. People like him make religion look so stupid that they discourage all real discussion of theology.|||I hope he does so we can have another round of laughs at his idiocy.|||The Jehovah's Witnesses and the SDAs did. I don't see why the Campingites wouldn't.|||He's so crazy and I really hope no one thinks that all christians are like that because that man is just such a physco haha|||He will until his own end date is set.|||It is not unlikely, since he has done so twice before, winning money and notoriety for his errors.


Bruce|||Mr. Camping should stop while he's ahead.|||No Bill Graham will.|||Nah, I'm sure he'll wait a little while and try it for a 4th time.|||he will probably keep trying|||i think he will try to make us think God changed his mind

My boyfriend told me he went to water world with his guyfriend and went camping with that friend to. Was he te?

with that guy too. Did he tell me the true? Is it possible for guy to go camping with another guy?|||this is the dumbest question i have ever seen|||yea it is possible that he went camping with another guy.. Now if he is showing up from his camping trip with hickies and smelling like a girl then I would worry about it. Try believing him a relationship can go nowhere if you do not trust him....

answer mine;鈥?/a>|||yah..|||You never know for sure if he is telling the truth. You just have to trust him. And if you CANT trust him, there must be a reason why. Trust your gut.|||just caus he spends time with his friend doesnt make him gay|||No. Two guys camping is IMPOSSIBLE. its a paradox in itself.|||Time to face the facts. Your boyfriend is gay.|||what the f? you really dont trust your boyfriend THATS LOW

Harold Camping successfully predicted his own world wide ridiculing today?

but was it unfortunately misinterpreted the event as the Rapture ?|||that putz is laughing all the way to the bank.

imagine the millions he made from books and DVDs.|||The Lie and deceit of the Rapture...... you will not be taken by G-D you will not fly from the sins nor are you saved under the blood of a false god. No Blood Sacrifices to G-D Most High Psalm 51:16-17

Ezekiel 13:20 Wherefore thus saith the LORD G-D: Behold, I AM against your ___pillows__wherewith ye there hunt the souls to ___make them fly,__and I will tear them form your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye __HUNT TO MAKE THEM FLY.

Man does not want to see themselves: they believe the biggest lied ever told___the One They Do and Tell Themselves:___I know god.....I am born again, I am a child of god. yes they are and what god likeness did they grow in.

Psalm 82:6 I have said , Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High. 7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. ( We fell form G-D the thing first created has been broken off Ps.51:8 we need to grow back in the likeness of G-D in the earth to set the Cords in Place that Unite us in G-D'S Spirit that waits here on earth for our Re turn to the First thing Created. For the First shall be the last and the last the first as it is written it shall be DONE AGAIN Ecc.1:9. and is Done again but : read Psalm 91:1 in the Presence of G-D Most High under the shadow of the Almighty. yes, the New Creation is made spiritually in G-D'S likeness G-D of Heaven-male-above Earth-woman-below One G-D and one people. Jeremiah 31:22 a New Creation, a New Thing a woman in the likeness of G-D in Righteousness: Psalm 17:15 it is a Declare Decree: a Law we are all to obey Ps.2:7 and the World Does Not Look or Listen to G-D Jer.11:8.

They have lied to you to CUT DOWN THE CORDS that can UNITE you with G-D again. Ps.8:5 For Thou hast made him ( us in this state were we been broken off from the First Creation) made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

They the fallen angels WAR on G-D and HUNT you down. To keep the cords cut.

Psalm 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves , and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against HIS ANOINTED SAYING, 3 LET US BREAK THEIR BANDS ASUNDER , AND CAST AWAY THEIR ___CORDS __form us.

The Cords that Unite G-D With Us. In Us, Us In Him. The foundations of the Earth are Held up read: Psalm 18:15 to 20. the Cords Abraham, Gen.24:7 Isaac Gen.27:27 and Jacob Gen.28:20-21.

Ezekiel 13:21 Your Kerchiefs ( fallen angel like a Watchman in Song of Solomon 3:3 that took king Solomon in the lie and deceit for a time. look, listen to how Solomon set the Cords they wanted to cut in place read Song of Solomon 3:4.

Ezekiel 13:21 Your kerchiefs also will I tear (Jer.51:23 look) and deliver My people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be HUNTED; and ye shall know that I AM THE LORD.

Ezekiel 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of he Righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hand of the Wicked , that he should not return form his wicked way, by promising him life.

No promising of life for those in the lie and deceit:Jeremiah 10:14 -15-21 Jeremiah 51:17-18-23|||No human will ever know when Judgement day is.

Don't take a-barely-dead-man's world about this kind of stuff. Or anybody anyway.|||You may be on to something here - maybe Camping is a 'peripheral visionary' who can see into the future, but only way off to the side...|||Why yes, he believes he did predict his own ridiculing .|||Harold Camping is an idiot!

Harold Camping, end of the world predictions again?

Again, the man strikes. What do you say, has he gone nuts? Does he really believe that he can predict the end of the world, or in that form, any event in the history of ever?

Personally, I think this would start an interesting discussion. Which could also lead to just insults towards Harold Camping.. go for it.|||I'm 24 and have probably lived through that many supposed apocalypses. At minimum.

How did Family Radio's Harold Camping come to the conclusion that the end of the world is on October 21, 2011?

Do you think it's really going to happen?|||The exact same way that all the other mentally deficits did:

Lack of critical thinking skills

Lack of historical knowledge

A deep seated need of drama in their lives

And here's a litmus test for you. If any of these dolts truly believes in 2011 or 2012, why don't they just quit their jobs and enjoy what time they have left? After all, they won't need any money after 2012. They can raid their retirement accounts, quit paying their taxes, and live it up!|||Harold Camping is a false teacher who couldn't interpret the meaning behind children's books much less the bible.

As you were soldier

God bless|||Psychosis?|||False teacher only God knows the future.

Harold Camping specifically targeted gay people as the responsible for the end of the world, now what?

Should he apologize as the rest of the hateful Christians?|||Well, since the Rapture and end of the world didn't occur, it would be reasonable to conclude that gay people are actually god's favorites.|||THAT WAS HIS COVER STORY HE JUST RELEASED A PRESS REPORT TO CNN HE SAID HE DID IT TO DESTROY THE BIBLE he also divorced his wife and married an iranian boy and is living in a mosque in iran were he was also given 72 virgin boys as reward for destroying CHRISTIANITY|||No, there are a couple of tiny, itty bitty Bible verses that say that being gay is naughty, so that dude will never admit that he's a fruit---errr, I mean that he was wrong.|||What he said is still quite valid. Romans 1:26-28 are still there and just as relevant today as they were on Friday.|||I never bought into Harold Camping --- nor do I buy into fugepacker pride.

Comon' what's the deal? What is there to be so freaking proud about?|||He should look at some lesbian pron. That would change his outlook on homosexuality.|||GET HIM! *gets torch*

Should Pastor Camping just revice his end of the world date to 2012 like all the other nuts?

He extended his doom date to 5 months but perhaps its just really how much time he has to go the guy looks like he is in his 90's|||He needs a damn math course so he can get the mysteries from the bible correct! lol.

Whoa! Now this song makes sense! I never understood it before.鈥?/a>|||First, he predicted May 21st. Now, it's October 21st. I imagine eventually he'll get to the December 21st, 2012, date that everyone is crediting to the Mayans.|||Already proved to be a false prophet twice. Anyone that follows him for the third go around is a certifiable idiot. He should keep his lips firmly closed and get out of the business.|||In the end the good pastor may turn out to be right, as Obama just unleashed wwiii on that exact Saturday with his stupid meddling in middle east affairs that will ultimately result in nuclear Armageddon and Rapture|||That con artist should be arrested for fraud and thrown into a federal prison. But luckily he can hide behind his magical man in the sky and nobody seems to care who he screws over.|||I think he should kidnap democrats and claim they were raptured.

I don't really care what he does with them as long as they don't come back.|||"revice"? What's that mean?|||So he made a mistake. Get over's not like the world is coming to an end!|||He should run in the GOP presidential field along with the other bozos.|||The world did end... you are now in Purgatory.|||You mean like Al Gore and the UN on all of their false predictions of Enviro-Calamity?|||It seems so

Did Harold Camping even bother to give an exuse to why the world din't end?

Or did he conviniently forget?|||Jesus was asked this by His disciples.....

Matthew 24v3 ....

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples

came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall

these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy

coming, and of the end of the world?

The whole of Matthew Chapter 24 describes these end times.

Jesus talks about a Fig-Tree.....

Matthew 24v32 ....

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon

as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out,

you know that summer is near.

Q....Do you know what this Fig-Tree relates to?


Israel is symbolised by three different trees.....

THE VINE is a symbol of Israel's Spiritual privileges.

THE FIG-TREE is a symbol of Israel's National privileges.

THE OLIVE TREE is a symbol of Israel's Religious privileges.鈥?/a>

Israel became a Nation on Pentecost 1948...

Isaiah 66v8 ....

Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen

such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation

be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in

labor than she gives birth to her children.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;-----鈥?/a> -----%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; please watch

Jeremiah 24v5 ....

This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Like these

good figs, I regard as good the exiles from Judah, whom I

sent away from this place to the land of the Babylonians.

Hosea 9v10 鈥︹€?

When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert;

when I saw your fathers, it was like seeing the early fruit on

the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they

consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and

became as vile as the thing they loved.

Of the 24 Major Earthquakes in the last 436 years

5 have occurred in the last 7 years.鈥?/a>

Of the 30 major earthquakes that have occurred in Japan

in the last 100 years 17 have occurred in the last 7 years.鈥?/a>

Matthew 24v7 鈥︹€?

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

We may not know the day or hour .... but we will certainly know the season.|||He said it "did" happen, only spiritually not physically, and that on October 21st the physical world would be destroyed. lol.|||"On May 23, 2011 in an appearance before the press, Camping stated he has reinterpreted his prophecy. In his revised claim, May 21 was a "spiritual" judgment day, and the world will still come to an end October 21, 2011. Camping said his company would not return money donated by followers to publicize the failed May 21 prediction, stating: "We鈥檙e not at the end. Why would we return it?"

Mainstream Christian groups have distanced themselves from Camping's predictions."

As you can see he's an idiot. There is no such thing as a "spiritual judgement day", which, if my assumption is correct, means it is too late to be saved. To my knowledge, unless you are ALREADY DEAD, it is never too late to be saved, so that's automatically wrong. I kinda expected him to jump on the 2012 bandwagon though. He's surprised me|||He said it was an invisible judgment and that god spared us the hell on earth.

So now in october the universe is supposed to just disappear quickly.|||He claims that a "spiritual" rapture occurred (didn't you feel it?) and the "physical" rapture will occur on October 21st. When asked if he would be returning the estimated 62 million dollars to those he convinced it would be last weekend, he replied that we will see he is right in October. I guess that means he will be keeping the money.|||HE gave a statement saying its really on october 21 of this year but that God judged each of us in a spiritual way. His wife had made a statement like 2 days after the so called spiritual judgement w more mumbo jumbo that her husband was devastated etc.

He is a false prophet that has sinned although he can not see it. He has so much to say about every other person sinning yet has not looked into himself.|||It was an "invisible" rapture.|||I think he said he misunderstood a passage in the bible.|||To be fair to the old nut-case, he did not say the world would end on May 21, merely that the Rapture would take place.

Since nothing that resembles the Rapture took place he simply redefined what the Rapture means. Since there is no sound scriptural foundation for the Rapture in the first place, let alone any rigourous definition, this is so vacuous that it is argument proof.

However, if the world is not consumed by Fireball on October 21, camping "got some 'splainin' to do."


Solas5: No, you do not get to play "No True Scotsman" with camping. The only difference between what camping preaches and what is taught in Evangelical/Fundamentalist doctrine is a matter of marginal detail, not of substance.|||It was jesus silently judging us. Now on october 21st the actual world ending will happen. Thats what he said.|||The religious pay no mind to reason. His Delusion is doing his reasoning.|||He said that he made a mathematical error and was off by 5 months. The new date is October 21, 2011. He also said that May 21 actually was a "Spiritual" judgment day and that anyone who wasn't saved by that date will not be raptured on October 21. So there is no point in trying to get people to repent, because it is to late for them.|||No. He's a bible reader and he did what all Bible readers do. Escape from reality.|||Camping, erroneously labeled as a "Bible scholar" on Wikipedia, does not know the Bible. He is not a Christian and uses the Bible as a tool for his wacky predictions. Christ said no one knows the time of His return, yet Camping keeps making predictions for the exact time of Christ's return. The man has a screw loose.

Christ's return will not be invisible or "spiritual," as Camping is now saying happened. Christ said no one on earth will miss it when He returns--He's coming back with a loud trumpet call heard around the world, among other things.

Camping is a sorry old man. He's not a Christian and Christians need to stop mocking him and start praying for his salvation.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is Harold Camping going to be right about how October 21 is the end of the world?

I have a MAJOR fear of the apocalypse.|||About as right as he was about May 21 and about 1994. He's an idiot and a scaremonger. NOTHING HAPPENED on May 21 though he'd predicted the Rapture. Nothing will happen on October 21.|||Nobody can tell absolutely, but I will just say this - in the early 1960s there were several successive predictions by various religious groups of the end of the world on successive named dates. Clearly none of them happened or we wouldn't be here now.

Incidentally, the date predicted for next year is simply the end of a long period in the Mayan calendar and the start of another similar long period. The Mayan calendar does not make a prediction of the end of the world.|||He is false, and NOT among the chosen ones he claims will be 'raised to heaven'. He of all people should be the first to fall through the cracks of the earth if the apocalypse comes in October (it wont). He is just a bible hugger who instead of admitting his faults and apologizing to the THOUSANDS that are now bankrupted, poor, homeless, or dead... recalculates in denial that it will never come, he lives for it to come, he will never stop guessing.

Seriously, what kind of religious leader is inhumane enough to anticipate the demise of the human race and selfish enough to think he is going to be eating grapes and surrounded by harps in heaven?|||Harold Camping is politely referred to as a 'false prophet'. All he's done - and is going to do in what is left of his life - is scare the wits out of people like you for no reason other than to feel important. October 21st won't be the end of the world. Neither will 2012 or any other ridiculous prophesy that will come after. People have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years. It's all complete and utter B.S.|||If jesus comes on october 21st, it will be specifically to kick harold camping in the a$$. Then he is will go back to heaven and leave the rest of us to wait for his actual return date... a date which the bible says we will not know beforehand.

Camping a$$ is in big trouble because I bet Jesus has really big feet.|||no.

he predicted the end of the world in 1994. FAIL

he predicted the Christian rapture to be May 21 2011. FAIL

the odds of us all dying in October is pretty much going to be a FAIL

read the quote from the bible Matthew 24:36|||He is a false prophet and a fool. "You will neither know the day nor the hour of my coming" "I come as a thief in the night" These passages tell you exactly who knows when. No one does except God in Heaven. Not even Jesus knew. He wasn't right the first time and was made to look like a fool. Now he has done it again which makes you a fool if you believe his second prediction. "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."|||Since he's been wrong 5 times already, how many times does he have to get it wrong before you ignore him? 15? 25?

Wake up to reality and see this sort of thing for the tripe it is.|||Don't worry nothing will happen,Harold Camping is an old retarded asshole.|||In the first place, how can Americans be so gullible. Unbelievable!|||NO. I still have a book of "Forever" Postage Stamps.|||Was he right the first 2 times..|||he failed 4 other times so u have no need to worry

POLL: How do you think Harold Camping feels since the world didn't end?

I bet he feels like a fool O:|||Richer!

...from the money from all the folks that believed him and donated to his ministry, which was probably what he intended in the first place.

Unless he is going to send all those donations back now...|||He is 89 and worth 130 million (made off of donations from idiot christian women) My guess is he just woke up, is trying super hard to piss and poop and is wondering what episode of Golden Girls is on the Telly.|||The world: The world didn't end- you fool

Harold : ****, well you know what!

The world: What!?

Harold: *runs away*;…|||He probably feels relieved and satisfied that he at least tried to warn people even though it didn't happen.|||He doesn't care he already made a profit off the whole scam, just like he did 17 years ago.|||I bet he's rocking in his chair thinking "Oh darn it- I forgot to give God the message :/"|||lol @ cocopops|||Like a huge jackass.

Oh well, he deserves it.|||I don't know

Religious and non-religious,whats the deal with Harold Camping and why do they want the world to end?

we all get the front story, convert and save your soul, but what I want to know is, this guy has been trying to tell us the world is ending for more then 10 years now. why does he and his followers for the apocalypse want the world to end?|||LOL You asked this question as if they have control over the time. "why do they want the world to end? can't we just have 10 minutes more?" LOL JOKE!

Because he is 90 and near the end, and he likes to imagine everyone's going with him.|||Aye, yi yi. You uneducated people are driving me nuts! It has nothing to do with the end of the world and apocalypse! Open up a Bible, and start reading and maybe then you will understand what is going on. Jesus coming is a good thing. The world is not going to end. Jesus is coming to take with Him all who confessed with their mouth, and believed in their hearts that HE is their personal savior. The rest will be LEFT BEHIND to suffer the seven year tribulation of horrors. If YOU choose to be left behind, that is totally up to you. But I choose to be raptured and go with Jesus and live in peace for eternity.|||Of course they do! Otherwise, they'll grow old and die with the knowledge that the world will go right on spinning without skipping a beat. That's just downright depressing... boring, almost. However, if we were involved in something special, like the END OF THE WORLD, we could take everyone down with us, chanting "I told you so" all the way.|||He basically lost his mind. Matthew 24:36 was a verse he must have missed. His math was mainly made up numbers that fit his day. He essentially robbed his followers of $80 million and then took off. It was a cult and a scam.|||The event he is predicting is found in the Bible. He is just ignoring the verse that says man cannot predict the day of it.|||He's just as dysfunctional as anyone else who believes in the falsehoods of organized religion.|||Maybe Harold got tired of paying taxes

Harold Camping is sticking with October 21, 2011 date for end of world, will anyone pay attention?

He is speaking live on his radio station right now. He just said he was wrong about the rapture, but God had some sort of reason for changing the May 21 date, but he is saying the world will still end with a giant earthquake on October 21, 2011. Do you think his followers will stay with him? If that date comes and goes, do you think he will set another one?|||he set a new date back in 1994 so y wouldn't he keep milking this cash cow as long as he can. 170 million in donations from the people he duped and more sure to come so long as he can keep the act going|||His belief in 1994 Rapture and the May 21, 2011 Rapture were utterly baseless.

How anyone could believe that the end will come on October 21 is beyond me.

After that day comes and goes (just as May 21 did) Camping will enter into the realm of pure stupidity, with anyone following him rightly labeled as such.|||I can't say if his followers will stay with him. If the October 21, 2011 date comes and goes, he may set another one. But what he and his followers fail to comprehend that "no one knows the day or the hour...but God", according to Matthew 24:36. No elaborate mathematical calculation can overturn or override the fact that no one can know the day or hour. So, all predictions are worthless. Instead of wasting time predicting or believing in predictions, we need to follow Jesus' direction to "keep on the watch" for the end because it's coming at an hour that we do not think to be it. (Matthew 24:44)|||If jesus comes on october 21st, it will be specifically to kick harold camping in the a$$. Then he is will go back to heaven and leave the rest of us to wait for his actual return date... a date which the bible says we will not know beforehand.

Camping a$$ is in big trouble because I bet Jesus has really big feet.|||No, because May 21 has to be correct before October 21 can be correct. So, back to the calculations, Harold.|||no they will give him a slap in the face.

note on heavens gate:every beliver welcome except False prophets including You Harold Camping.tell the Devil i said hey|||I think his followers have too much invested in his teachings for them to back off now. They'll probably convince themselves that whatever Camping says is true. It's easier than admitting that they were fools.|||Wow,not herd him talking on this at all,guess he is really sure things are going in this direction to say this after all his mishap reports.|||Hopefully he's not the anti-christ!!! :O WHY!!!!! I'M BARELY GOING TO BE 14!!!! XD yeah right, Harold Camping is super fake.|||Probably, because they are retards and some are in so deep they would rather believe that then face the $14,000 they spent on crap.|||Anyone who believes him is a gullible idiot.|||He's gonna keep blaming it on EVERYTHING but himself. Do you seriously think God would use a person to deceive people once, then twice, and now a third time? Ugh... sickening.|||I'm absolutely certain, I mean to answer your initial question. Your second question too. Your third one too.|||He will learn like the JW's finally did: only the Father knows the exact time and date.|||The attendants at the Alzheimer's wing he lives in, will. Maybe that'll be the day they can stop changing his diapers.|||False prophet... will he take repsibility of the damages he has caused people's lives|||I hope he gets trampled by wild horses.|||No!!! The world can't end before Halloween!!!!|||He was wrong for 1994 and again May 21th.. What would a rightful mind will believe him the third time?|||LOL they would have to be REALLY dumb to go along with it a second time.

Should I give my life savings to Harold Camping since the world will end in October this time around?

And thumpers are always asking "What do you have to lose by believing ?". Well, apparently, 300 thousand dollars.|||What does he stand to gain be getting your money? How many theorists have postulated that the world will end on such and such a date? Thousands if not millions. How many have been right so far? Pretty obvious. I say don't go trusting in people who ask for money indirectly or directly because they need help publicizing the end of the world. If you wanted to give your life savings away (something i don't recommend) I would say give it away to someone who will use it do good for others. Which is the better good: providing food for starving orphans and providing shelter for the homeless, or providing funds for someone to gain more funds for an event that will not likely happen when he claims it will?|||Your money, your choice. Considering they claim they won't be here after that date though, I'd think you'd want to give it to someone who would.|||Yeah. It's this time for sure.|||nah - let me hold it for ya... you can trust me, i swear.

Harold Camping was wrong when he predicted the end of the world in Sept, 1994. Why listen to him this time?

Why are people getting all excited about his latest version of "end of the world" prophecies? And why does he think he is exempt from Jesus' warnings about the false teachers who think they know God's timeline?|||He's just another religious nut, that's all. You don't have to believe him. (and neither do I)|||This is the nature of religion, people that believe are also likely to believe what a "respected" teacher says, as long as they respect them. Look at the evangelists that have had gay or straight affairs and then gone on to continue their ministry.

A different way to look at it is that if belief or faith is your measure of truth, any thing that you want to believe is true and there is no objective way to determine which belief is true or not.|||I am excited cause he will be proven wrong again and God and the Bible will be once again proven correct.|||On his radio program entitled "Family Radio," Harold Camping is teaching that people should flee from their churches. This teaching is contrary to sound biblical interpretation. It may be of interest to know that this is not the first time Camping has promoted teachings that were based on his personal opinion rather than on sound biblical exegesis. Camping wrote a book early in the 1990s titled "1994?" In this book, Harold Camping speculated, perhaps "claimed" would be more accurate, that history would end in September of 1994. Christ would return and judge the world, according to Camping. Camping was obviously wrong, and we know from Scripture that God鈥檚 prophets are never wrong.鈥?/a>

Should We Leave Our Churches?; A Biblical Response to Harold Camping

By: J. Ligon Duncan, Mark R. Talbot鈥?/a>|||I don't. All Bible prophecy has attained perfect and complete fulfillment long ago - every jot and tittle of it.

Scripture comments upon the end of the age (Greek aion - English eon) not the end of the world. It describes the end of the age of the Law and the beginning of the age of Grace in Jesus Christ.

Scripture states over 200 times that the world wil not end

Ecc 1:4 [One] generation passeth away, and [another] generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

Isa 45:17 [But] Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.

Eph 3:21 Unto him [be] glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.|||Bible says to avoid such people.

2 Thess 3:6

Brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we order you not to associate with any believer who doesn't live a disciplined life and doesn't follow the tradition you received from us.

He and his followers are nutters.|||well....

you can only stick your w*ng into an electric pencil sharpener so many times until you wise up....

but most of the world couldn't resist the urge yet again......

oh and he probably lacks nerve cells in his so he can't feel the pain so he just does it over.... and over.... and over.... i don't think it exists anymore....|||He's misguided. Nobody knows the exact date of the end of the world. Even the Bible says that.|||Didn't he also say that Jesus has magic underpants? Or did some other preacher say that?|||He means well but, Paul describes him in Romans 1:22 " Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"|||I don't?

No one knows when it will happen.

God bless|||It's not from him...he is just a has been revealed from the Bible that May 21st, 2011 is Judgment Day...with world annihilation (God destroying it with fire) on October 21st, 2011. In between those dates it will be utter horror and no salvation for the unsaved left behind. Pray now for mercy and salvation while there is still time.

Read. read, read the is the infallible Word of God:

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

So the facts are straight, Harold Camping 1994 predictions were in a book entitled 1994?...with a question the book he eluded to that it may be 2011.

Who knows the song about a little boy going camping and he says he 's the luckiest boy in the world?

Then him and his dad spend time working on a car and he says he's the luckiest boy in the world, then he's getting married and says he's the luckiest man in the world.|||Sounds like "The Best Day" by George Strait.


Audio::鈥?/a>|||The song is from George Strait and its The Best Day. Good song!

What was Camping's answer to people when the end of the world didn't take place on May 21st?

He was so sure that the end was to take place on May 21, 2011. What did he say was the reason he was wrong?|||Reuters reported on May 21 that the curtains were drawn in Camping's house in Alameda, California and that nobody was answering the door. Camping emerged from his home on May 22, saying that he was "flabbergasted" that the Rapture did not occur, that he was "looking for answers," and would say more when he returned to work on May 23.

On May 23, The Discordian Society declared Harold Camping to be a Discordian Saint, and declared May 21 to be St. Camping's Day in honor of the chaos and humor caused by his failed prediction.|||"Oops!"

(Not enough money! Send more money for a better job next time!!)

Am I the only one who thinks Harold Camping should shut up and stop predicting the end of the world?

He's 89 years old and my little sister is so scared the world will end on October!! Does anyone else agree with me|||i agree and hes predicted it would end on may 21 1998 and september 7th 1994 so why should we believe someone thats gotten it wrong three times.|||think about it, everthing people predicted never came true so if people keep predicted the end of the world, the world would never end!|||Well, he is wrong to do that, because god says that no one knows when he will come. And the world will end.|||I am agree with You!|||I ask myself how many more times this loon has to get it wrong before people just ignore him or laugh at him?|||No - Let the fool talk - I need a laugh every once in awhile....those who take him seriously are fools too|||He can talk all he wants. The problem is with the media picking up such a stupid story from an ignorant man.

Why does Harold Camping think he knows about the world ending?

He's failed once again.|||I don't know; perhaps because he is an idiot?|||ALL Christians acquire divine knowledge...that is why Christians should rule over the world!!!

Sure there are many christians who doubt Camping, but that does not mean they doubt the Apocalypse will come one day...Doomsday Cults always have a few offshoots that cannot wait and so they set a date if only to embarrass themselves.|||I am not afraid of this event. The man is clearly a false prophet and for the people who believe this man they do not know the Bible well. In addition, his prophecy says nothing of the Antichrist, false prophet, 7 years tribulation so therefore he is a fraud. For me I believe what he is doing is blasphemy due to the fact that he is saying that he knows what God knows in that no one knows what God knows. Finally what he is doing is actually helping the non-believers in that when this prophecy is fake; it will strengthen the nonbelievers' case against the Bible. But the main thing that interests me is that what will the followers of this man react and how will the man react after this does not occur. I believe this fraud will come out with another date eventually. Anyway the next false prophecy doomsday we have wait is December 21, 2011. So I say to my fellow Christians do not waste your time with this nonsense and pray for guidance from God. And please do not be scared because remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 " For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect." God bless.|||He was looking merely using the practice of numerology to provide the necessary equations which, in his eyes, were infallible. I just laugh when I hear the word infallible coming from anyone who claims to know the truth of the bible. I don't wear that label on my sleeve. I understand that there is a wealth of truth that I am not privy to, while I understand that Jesus is who He says He is.|||Just like other false prophets, he's focused on the things of man, not God. Even the Apostle Peter went wrong this way, telling Jesus that surely he would not be crucified. Jesus responded to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan." I take that to mean that the offense of trying to put God's plans in our frame of reference is pretty serious.

Camping, like Charles T. Russell (the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses), Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormons) and Mohammad (founder of Islam) all made predictions that were contrary to what scripture said. They were all wrong. They all mislead very sincere people into believing their false predictions, and as a result have distracted people from the truth.|||He is captive to the lies of the world, the devil and the flesh.|||All fundies know everything, haven't you been paying attention.|||Because he has been clinically dead for some time, and has inside information.|||He said the world ends at 6:00 PM, and it isn't.

Only God knows the end.|||And he is basically calling God a liar.

He will burn fer' sure.

What is Harold camping and his followers saying about the end of the world?

Obviously nothing happened. Has he said anything or have his followers said anything? Just wondering because I know some quit their jobs and spent their money|||That it was a miscalculation.|||For Harold Camping, many will consider him false but now he will have to learn of how he could have been wrong. It is simple.. God will reveal to no one on earth when the time He shall tell Jesus to go receive His Bride, (the church). It will be like a thief in the night, Paul wrote. It will be when the world of people least expects it to happen.. Will it happen? Yes. As Christians, we are to live as though Jesus would return today and not be caught unaware of his return. Does this mean Harold camping is not a Christian? I do think he missed it by not listening to the Holy Spirit of truth but there isn't a Christian out there would doesn't miss it as they too do not listen to the Holy Spirit either and ends up in failed marriages, in business deals, in poor health and so on.. I think he made a human error to which he will learn to be more sensitive to the Spirit of God and hopefully quit trying to set a date for what is meant to happen without the world knowing it.|||Well, Harold Camping has done some major damage with his "End Of The World" nonsense. Because if his false teaching. Nonbelievers are now saying "I told you Christians are wrong about the Bible and God". Or saying "Look, their Jesus didn't come for them, now the Christians should wake-up and realize that he doesn't exist." Harold Camping is a dangerous man to the Christian faith. God warned us about false prophets.

Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Matthew 24:11 "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."

1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."|||give them until midnight to start rubbing it in their faces. but i suspect we'll all hear an interview between a news anchor that's trying not to laugh and some idiot who just ruined his life on our news network of choice first thing in the morning|||Dude they are probably making excuses. I could tell you that this man has already said things like this before. He did. I think before I was even born(I'm 18). He is probably going to say the same type of things he always said. Watch out for people like him. And don't be deceived, Christ will be coming! But indeed no one knows the day nor the hour. Jesus said that He is coming like a thief in the night.|||Go on his Website, he's currently broadcasting about Adultery. I'm serious:|||one of two things. either they all went into hiding and are staying quiet or they all commited suicide ala heavens gate, because i sure as hell havent seen anything from them and i have been looking|||You spelled "charlatans" wrong.|||OOOppps!!!!|||most likely being berated and beaten|||They are probably hiding out right now.|||nothing,they r still waiting|||He's saying ,"Hahaha I was just kidding." and their thinking "It's not funny.Do you see any of us laughing."|||That's what I am wondering too.|||I haven't heard one say "we were wrong". Just a bunch of nonsense excuses.|||Aren't they on the way to the south pacific?|||who knows, hes probably gonnna have a heart attack...

Did Harold Camping do this end of the world thing for money and publicity?

How much did he get this time? Last time he got in excess of $70 million at the same time the IRS was breathing down his neck for his tax returns, which weren't ready, forcing the IRS to give him one last extension. I think it was due yesterday and the IRS said then, back in May, that there would be no more extensions. Yes I believe he did do it again for money and I hope this time the American government shuts him down for good.|||he's a multimillionaire. I've course it's for the money. Quite frankly i think it's one of the best scams i've ever seen. I can't help but think, why didn't i do that.|||no, the only way he can get a hard on is if he publicly states that the world will end.|||I think he's a genuinely delusional person, and his followers too.|||He just didn't carry over the 21 stars!

No, really though, he probably had a senior moment.|||Because these predictions are just the precursor to today's "LAUGH AT ALL THE CHRISTIANS DAY"!|||partly|||Yes.|||Yeah.|||more like for shits and giggles

Where do you think Harold Camping bases his predictions about the end of the world?

By the way, how old is he?|||He is 89. Mr. Camping says over and over that "the Bible interprets itself." He applies that rule to everyone's interpretations but his own. If you think a verse means something other than what he believes he accuses you of not letting the Bible interpret itself. Camping doesn't understand that he merely strings together verses the way he wants and he let's his own prejudices and bias bring him to the conclusion he was looking for. This is very similar to people who claim there is a a hidden Bible code because words that mean something to the reader can be found mapped out like a hidden word puzzel in the text of the Bible. Of course it can when you are looking for words that already mean something to you. The funny thing is the World could end tonight on October 21st or 4 billion years from now. What God teaches us is that when you die the world ends for you and the next thing you know its judgement day. That is why we are t live like we are always alert and at the ready not to look for some future date as if it was a surety. Even if Camping is right his predicition didn't help anyone who got hit by a bus unexpectedly last week. Be ready because this night your sould could be required of thee, and then to whom shall these things belong.|||He does not use a "formula" per se. He isolates certains texts that he can date to a specific year. He focuses on the date of creation and the date of the flood. He believes that if he gets these two dates right then the end of the world has to be 7000 years to the day from creation.

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|||His second mistake is that absolutley nothing in the Bible says that the world has to end 7000 years after creation. So Harold lets his own beliefs guide his interpretation much like superstition - superstition is a force that leads us in the direction of our beliefs.

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|||Harold "Quack of Doom" Camping makes prophecies that are supposed to happen on dates in the near future. To do this he selects numbers from the Bible and adds them to other numbers, or multiples them by other numbers chosen so that the date obtained will be in the near future. It is no good to him to predict 1994 again, it has to be in the near future to impress the gullible and the terminally confused. On the other hand, a date like 2739 is no good either, since even our great great great grand children's great great great great grandchildren will be dead by then so who cares.

Whatever numbers he chooses that are not in the Bible, he will claim have a special spiritual meaning as long as they give the right dates. Prophets have been doing this sort of thing for 1500 years, maybe more and of course are always wrong.|||The date was supposed to be the 7000th anniversary of the World Flood.

I don't know where he got that.

According to Bishop Ussher, the World Flood took place 2349-2348 BC.

Nor do I know why the rapture was supposed to take place on the 7000th anniversary of the World Flood.

He might have chosen October 21 because it is Simchat Torah , a Jewish holiday.

I don't know why Harold Camping expects Judgment Day to take place on Simchat Torah,

or why he chose this particular Simchat Torah.

Sorry I couldn't do better than that.|||He picked a date and then concocted a mathematical formula around that date.

The date May 21, 2011 corresponds with the date Iyar 17, the day he believed the flood started. The flood started on Cheshvan 17 which is 6 months off from the date he picked. The reason for this is that while Iyar is the second month on the calendar now it wasn't at the time of the flood. The calendar changed in Exodus 12:2. You would think a "bible scholar" such as Camping would have known this.

ex Christian.|||He concocts them.

Camping's use of numbers are without justification. Take the example of Acts 27:37. Camping says 276 breaks down as 3X4X23. Even if Camping is correct that the number three means "God's purpose" four is "universality" and twenty-three is "judgment" then why should we understand this to mean that it is God's purpose that believers will escape God's judgment at the end of the church age? Also, what rule of interpretation says that 276 should be broken down as 3x4x23? Why not 276=(7x43)-(5x5)? Interestingly, if this last formula were used, it could be consistent with Camping's theology. Nevertheless, a Christian follows the words of God as the Bible dictates, which says that we will not know the day nor the hour of God's coming and the Lord will come like a thief in the night. Do we follow God or do we follow Harold Camping? Is Harold Camping the only man who has the Holy Spirit? We know this is false. We also know that the Bible states that if someone is proclaimed a prophecy which has not come to pass, then that person has proven himself/herself to be a false prophet. Harold Camping was wrong in 1994. That being said, Harold Camping contradicts the words of God, by claiming that he knows the date. Harold Camping is calling God a liar. A true Christian follows the teachings of the Bible.|||The question is%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; people it is not about many of the things you expounded on. Furthermore he may have tried to predict dates which the Bible says no one knows, but the man is not stupid nor an idiot. I have surmised from seeing 1% of all your exposure to his news appearances that he is a highly intelligent man, nor do I believe his cells are deteriorated. Facts: he was a senior at UC Berkley @ 20 years of age, he was an engineer, probably didn't burn his brain cells to death with drugs, he amassed a fortune said to be $100's of millions. He apparently owns a radio network. And he does not need other people's money as so many believe. He is probably sitting on his gold lazyboy laughing at our stupidity. He is a member of Yahoo!Answers, yet you all speak of him as if he is on a trip to the hinterlands. Why don't you address your questions to him?|||Hi. He has a different Bible, the real Christian Bible says that no one not even Jesus Christ , or the angels knows when the end of the World will happened , just God the Father knows this. So this makes Mr. Camping a liar and a false Prophet . He is kind of close to ninety years old i think not to sure about that.|||He is a false prophet. Only God knows when the end will come. No one, not even Jesus or the angels know. Mr. Camping and all the others before him who predicted this are false prophets. We are to keep looking upward and await His coming, or He will come upon us like a thief in the night.|||Where do you think Harold Camping bases his predictions about the end of the world? On the toilet, trying to figure out how to get his gullible followers to give him their money.

By the way, how old is he? Old enough to swindle people out of their money.|||He's 89 or 90, and unlike other doomsday prophets, he posted his calculations on his website. He apparently flunked second-grade arithmetic and suffered from some irrational thinking patterns.|||Insanity? Delusion? Ignorance?

Ugh.... I could go on and on. He's an idiot.|||He makes up some equation based on numbers in the Bible and calls it truth. 2,000 years ago he would have been worshiped as a prophet.|||On his own needs, for attention and money.

Late 80's I think, and I hope for his sake he gets right with God really soon.|||He is 89 and proof that wisdom does not come with age. Chances are that he is pulling these dates from a plaque covered brain cell.|||Alzheimer's.|||he is a false prophet god himself said you will not know the day nor the hour of my return.|||He pulls them out of his ancient sagging as*s.|||He gets them from his old and decrepit brain.|||The Bible|||He just makes stuff up.|||He's 89 and given his track record, I'd say he pulls them straight out of his a**.|||the bible...he has said that many times!

The end of the world- Camping?

So was Camping's calculation wrong? Or is he just being stupid?

Why would you say that May 21st is the end of the world? I mean.. Seriously??

I don't understand the people who actually believe in these things.....

After seeing what happened yesterday, and in 1994 or something, do u think 2012 is going to happen and why?|||Isn't it better if we stop "mocking" Mr. camping and instead be thankful that the "world" didn't really "end" on May 21. It gives us more time to think and prepare, comes what may! So many lives are involved and so much of so many things to consider. If we really believe in God, let that be a lesson for all of us. True, only God knows! But if we try to live a life that is worth living, comes what may, we are prepared and ready! Don't just wait for the dates ... wait for more opportunities to do good for our fellowmen. That will make life more worth living!|||Maybe the true answer to your question is

"The End" is a complex process.

It is like aging.

When does a human being begin to turn "downhill"?

What age does that happen?

Maybe yesterday marked the day the planet starts to grow old.

What can we make of Harold Camping and his losing streak of getting the End of The World wrong twice?

I remember this nut case!

He mentioned that he screwed up on the math and this is why he failed to make an accurate prediction.

He should be locked up where you the nuthouse!!|||TWICE!?!

He has been doing this song and dance since the mid 1970's.

If by now you have not made of him a liar and a false teacher, I don't know what else to say.

The Lord would say "Let the blind lead the blind."|||Actually, he got it wrong thrice. He predicted the EOW back in the 90s I think it was.

What can we make of it? Well, in the words of Queen, "...another one bites the dust."|||Actually it's around 34 times now, and the stupid SOBs keep buying into his BS.|||Nothing, He has made enough of himself. Surely he must looking ashamed there standing in the corner alone in time out.|||Most Christians knew he was going to fail with his first false prediction. He's got no credibility.|||Just a false prophet but think of all the money he made , maybe he is not that stupid ,fleecing the gullible|||I'm sure he'll pick himself up, dust himself off, and **** with the simpletons some more.|||it won't stop other christians from believing in false prophets because it never has in the past.|||he's got one helluva racket going.

his net worth is something like $75 million.|||he thought it was april the first boy did he get fooled|||he is a false prophet and should not be listened to

According to Harold camping, What time will the world end today?

Not that I believe it'll happen, but my mom, a christian is scared for me cause im a muslim and i want to prove to her nothing's gonna happen.. just need to know the time|||There isn't any rapture in the Bible .. The Greek Original word Harpazo is not Rapture ( and no one will

ever be Raptured maybe Ruptured ( from too much food)

Raptured means plucked away ( as tares) Harpazo in Greek

Mark 13:32 %26gt;%26gt;

New International Version (©1984)

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.



Kyrie Eleison

Friday Oct 21/2011

4.57 AM in Toronto Ontario Canada .. and There isn't any Rapture or ever will Be :)\

Harold Camping is an elderly man in his 90s and deluded.|||It will happen according to the time line of the most arrogant country in the whole world. Definitely not Australia or any Asian, Middle Eastern or European country. The world "revolves" around that one country only, didn't you know that?|||Do yourself a favour.....go and read Revelation Chapter 11.

It talks about two prophets known as the Two-Witnesses.

They will prophesy for 1260 days.....everyone will know they

are on earth. Since they have not made their appearance

it is very safe to say that Camping is wrong.|||It was the end of the world for some but mainly for Gadhafi. The next prediction may be the end of the world for Ahmadinejad. Maybe Harold Camping should keep it going.|||He didn't give a time out. But it might happen at 5:53 pm so be ready.

Will people keep asking questions about Harold Camping until the world ends?

The Harold Camping questions peaked two days ago. They're coming much less frequently now.|||Harold Camping's world is soon gonna end. His day is coming and upon his last breath on his death bed, he will see Jesus and say Forgive me Lord. He needs to realize that he can not predict God's plan. Only God knows when the end of the world will come. Hopefully Camping has enough Wisdom .

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|||deluded fkhead alert

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|||Judgment day already came, Harold Camping was right, God was invisible though, and he saved no one. Sad face.|||thats what ive predicted so next saturday the world will end. you wanna follow and wave my signs? anybody?? awww come on !!

So what is Harold Camping saying about the End of the world not happening?

What does he have I say since his prophecy isn't falling through?|||My bag of Cheetos disappeared!! OMG!|||he'll simply change the date like he did the year before and the year before that. this isn't his first failed prediction. now on to the 2012 predictions, the mayan calendar said the world will end in 2012. harold will probably predict that too once he wake up and realize he is still here with the rest of us.|||its not 6pm anywhere is the UNITED STATES IS IT?|||Nobody's heard from him!|||Closed until Monday then we will see.


Is it true Harold camping made millions from this end of the world stuff?

Also did he ever reply to the fact that he was wrong?|||Family Radio (his company) had $122 in net assets in 2007.|||About 120 of them apparently.|||I don't think he made money off of this.When he finally does respond to being wrong, he will say something like "I made a mathematical error".Hes just an old dumb turd.|||Well if this guy own a blog, rest assured that those billions upon billions of pageviews he's probably reached by now and will reach in the future as people google this bad joke, will have earned him quite a dime..|||Yes it is true.|||Yes.

Its true.

At least 36,000,000 were invested in his tele-ministry by followers to help "spread the word".

As for his being wrong. No he hasn't come up with an answer for that yet. But hey.. He's got until tomorrow.. and tomorrow is Sunday.... you can;t expect a man of the cloth like Camping to work out an excuse on a Sunday, so maybe Monday?

Now ask me if I think it is sad and pathetic, or just really FUNNY that some people gave away all their earthly posetions and have to start over. For them.. It WAS judgement day... and they got judged "To stupid to keep their stuff". FINE BY ME.