Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What are ya gonna do on the day that Harold Camping predicted the end of the world?

Me, I'm gonna party with my buddies and punch my boss in da face.|||I don`t listen to idiots who talk crap and Harold Camping speaks a lot of it ...|||Since some people said that today is going to end I am gonna do what ever i want! I'm gonna get some closure on my bf and just appreacate all of the things that we have but most of all just do what ever I want! Good luck!|||pee on my co's car! steal the tires off my bosses car, and eat as much junk food as i can and party like there's no tomorrow! oh and gonna have lots of lots of sex with any and all girl! not gonna be picky anymore! :D|||run down the street naked, spread mah butt cheeks and fart in an old ladies face.|||he won't|||I'm going to enjoy this nice, sunny day because nothings going to happen.|||today? Camping called it off last night.|||Live my life to the Fullest!!!

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