Saturday, December 24, 2011

Did Harold Camping even bother to give an exuse to why the world din't end?

Or did he conviniently forget?|||Jesus was asked this by His disciples.....

Matthew 24v3 ....

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples

came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall

these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy

coming, and of the end of the world?

The whole of Matthew Chapter 24 describes these end times.

Jesus talks about a Fig-Tree.....

Matthew 24v32 ....

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon

as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out,

you know that summer is near.

Q....Do you know what this Fig-Tree relates to?


Israel is symbolised by three different trees.....

THE VINE is a symbol of Israel's Spiritual privileges.

THE FIG-TREE is a symbol of Israel's National privileges.

THE OLIVE TREE is a symbol of Israel's Religious privileges.鈥?/a>

Israel became a Nation on Pentecost 1948...

Isaiah 66v8 ....

Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen

such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation

be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in

labor than she gives birth to her children.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;-----鈥?/a> -----%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; please watch

Jeremiah 24v5 ....

This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Like these

good figs, I regard as good the exiles from Judah, whom I

sent away from this place to the land of the Babylonians.

Hosea 9v10 鈥︹€?

When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert;

when I saw your fathers, it was like seeing the early fruit on

the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they

consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and

became as vile as the thing they loved.

Of the 24 Major Earthquakes in the last 436 years

5 have occurred in the last 7 years.鈥?/a>

Of the 30 major earthquakes that have occurred in Japan

in the last 100 years 17 have occurred in the last 7 years.鈥?/a>

Matthew 24v7 鈥︹€?

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

We may not know the day or hour .... but we will certainly know the season.|||He said it "did" happen, only spiritually not physically, and that on October 21st the physical world would be destroyed. lol.|||"On May 23, 2011 in an appearance before the press, Camping stated he has reinterpreted his prophecy. In his revised claim, May 21 was a "spiritual" judgment day, and the world will still come to an end October 21, 2011. Camping said his company would not return money donated by followers to publicize the failed May 21 prediction, stating: "We鈥檙e not at the end. Why would we return it?"

Mainstream Christian groups have distanced themselves from Camping's predictions."

As you can see he's an idiot. There is no such thing as a "spiritual judgement day", which, if my assumption is correct, means it is too late to be saved. To my knowledge, unless you are ALREADY DEAD, it is never too late to be saved, so that's automatically wrong. I kinda expected him to jump on the 2012 bandwagon though. He's surprised me|||He said it was an invisible judgment and that god spared us the hell on earth.

So now in october the universe is supposed to just disappear quickly.|||He claims that a "spiritual" rapture occurred (didn't you feel it?) and the "physical" rapture will occur on October 21st. When asked if he would be returning the estimated 62 million dollars to those he convinced it would be last weekend, he replied that we will see he is right in October. I guess that means he will be keeping the money.|||HE gave a statement saying its really on october 21 of this year but that God judged each of us in a spiritual way. His wife had made a statement like 2 days after the so called spiritual judgement w more mumbo jumbo that her husband was devastated etc.

He is a false prophet that has sinned although he can not see it. He has so much to say about every other person sinning yet has not looked into himself.|||It was an "invisible" rapture.|||I think he said he misunderstood a passage in the bible.|||To be fair to the old nut-case, he did not say the world would end on May 21, merely that the Rapture would take place.

Since nothing that resembles the Rapture took place he simply redefined what the Rapture means. Since there is no sound scriptural foundation for the Rapture in the first place, let alone any rigourous definition, this is so vacuous that it is argument proof.

However, if the world is not consumed by Fireball on October 21, camping "got some 'splainin' to do."


Solas5: No, you do not get to play "No True Scotsman" with camping. The only difference between what camping preaches and what is taught in Evangelical/Fundamentalist doctrine is a matter of marginal detail, not of substance.|||It was jesus silently judging us. Now on october 21st the actual world ending will happen. Thats what he said.|||The religious pay no mind to reason. His Delusion is doing his reasoning.|||He said that he made a mathematical error and was off by 5 months. The new date is October 21, 2011. He also said that May 21 actually was a "Spiritual" judgment day and that anyone who wasn't saved by that date will not be raptured on October 21. So there is no point in trying to get people to repent, because it is to late for them.|||No. He's a bible reader and he did what all Bible readers do. Escape from reality.|||Camping, erroneously labeled as a "Bible scholar" on Wikipedia, does not know the Bible. He is not a Christian and uses the Bible as a tool for his wacky predictions. Christ said no one knows the time of His return, yet Camping keeps making predictions for the exact time of Christ's return. The man has a screw loose.

Christ's return will not be invisible or "spiritual," as Camping is now saying happened. Christ said no one on earth will miss it when He returns--He's coming back with a loud trumpet call heard around the world, among other things.

Camping is a sorry old man. He's not a Christian and Christians need to stop mocking him and start praying for his salvation.

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