Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why can't Harold Devil Camping Stop predicting the end of the world?

he is just scaring people to death all over again!

he is just scamming and deceiving folks all over again!

why can't he just give it up!

why don't they just lock him up!|||'cause He's a liar, yeah, He's a liar

He'll tear (rip) your mind up, He'll burn your soul

He'll turn you into him, He'll turn you into him

'cause He's a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar...|||There are psychological reasons. Groups having a prediction fail always makes them put up another one, and become even more entrenched in it. He did exactly what I expected, since that October date was part of the original.|||Sigh, he is about 89 years old, maybe it's because he'll soon be gone. Because Jesus said not even the son or the angels in heaven knows when God will come, so who is the old Guy nothing but A FALSE PROPHET. By the way, he is now wrong twice and still trying to make a lucky guess. I think he is an idiot honestly. What he should have done is give away all his money and belongs to the poor, since he predicted the day the world would end. His predictions is a bag of crap! Live your life good in God eyes and all should be well and read your bible too.|||Seriously, after that woman tried to kill her kids with a box cutter he should just STFU. Honestly, he should be ashamed and apologetic. And people should stop buying into his "predictions."|||Its like getting a Tattoo l hear- you get one, and then you want another, and another and so forth and so on...

Its an addiction.|||$100 million dollars tell me he likes this job|||Why does everyone care?

Just ignore the guy.

People are allowed to believe in whatever they want!|||It's all about money.

Yeah, lock him up in a home.|||He's making money off stupid people.

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