Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why does Harold Camping think he knows about the world ending?

He's failed once again.|||I don't know; perhaps because he is an idiot?|||ALL Christians acquire divine knowledge...that is why Christians should rule over the world!!!

Sure there are many christians who doubt Camping, but that does not mean they doubt the Apocalypse will come one day...Doomsday Cults always have a few offshoots that cannot wait and so they set a date if only to embarrass themselves.|||I am not afraid of this event. The man is clearly a false prophet and for the people who believe this man they do not know the Bible well. In addition, his prophecy says nothing of the Antichrist, false prophet, 7 years tribulation so therefore he is a fraud. For me I believe what he is doing is blasphemy due to the fact that he is saying that he knows what God knows in that no one knows what God knows. Finally what he is doing is actually helping the non-believers in that when this prophecy is fake; it will strengthen the nonbelievers' case against the Bible. But the main thing that interests me is that what will the followers of this man react and how will the man react after this does not occur. I believe this fraud will come out with another date eventually. Anyway the next false prophecy doomsday we have wait is December 21, 2011. So I say to my fellow Christians do not waste your time with this nonsense and pray for guidance from God. And please do not be scared because remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 " For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect." God bless.|||He was looking merely using the practice of numerology to provide the necessary equations which, in his eyes, were infallible. I just laugh when I hear the word infallible coming from anyone who claims to know the truth of the bible. I don't wear that label on my sleeve. I understand that there is a wealth of truth that I am not privy to, while I understand that Jesus is who He says He is.|||Just like other false prophets, he's focused on the things of man, not God. Even the Apostle Peter went wrong this way, telling Jesus that surely he would not be crucified. Jesus responded to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan." I take that to mean that the offense of trying to put God's plans in our frame of reference is pretty serious.

Camping, like Charles T. Russell (the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses), Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormons) and Mohammad (founder of Islam) all made predictions that were contrary to what scripture said. They were all wrong. They all mislead very sincere people into believing their false predictions, and as a result have distracted people from the truth.|||He is captive to the lies of the world, the devil and the flesh.|||All fundies know everything, haven't you been paying attention.|||Because he has been clinically dead for some time, and has inside information.|||He said the world ends at 6:00 PM, and it isn't.

Only God knows the end.|||And he is basically calling God a liar.

He will burn fer' sure.

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