Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Was the recent "End Of The World" prediction by Mr. Camping a Marxist hoax to discredit Christianity?

You all have been had, mainly the Athiest! The Globalist鈥檚 have used a old fool mr campling one of their constructs with the help of the globalist owned media to help worldwide discredit Christianity further, and project the feeling that there is no truth in the bible and hope in this world, except our one world communist government and currency that we are creating for the NWO, is the only thing you can believe in and have hope for.|||they have done a great job dumbing people down ,now all they need to do is kill 80% of the world population.it's what the people running the world plan t o do and they dont hide it.look up "georgia guidestones" they want to discredit all religions not just christianity so they can push their luciferian kabalastic bull crap on us.look at them they have us all pointing the finger at each other but we are not the enemeies,the enemies arent human at all they are fallen angels that control what goes on in this world.all we have left is god and that all we need.we all need to hang in there because things are gonna get worse.no one knows when the end of the world will be but according to the bible it will be like the times of noah.we cant be too far off from the end (well the begining of the end)this preacher wont be the only false prophet that comes out ruining peoples lives.i sometimes think even christianity isnt what it used to be 20 years ago.they are taking over everything even religion.when i was younger church taught nothing but bible,now in days even christians wanna add their "own version"to the story.we still got alot of prophecy to fullfill in the bible is how i knew it wouldnt be the end.i seriously think this was a attempt by the power that be(which take orders from fallen angels)it's a attempt to discredit christianity.preachers that dont preach what the bible says will increase but they are gonna do it in a slick manner that even christians wont even realize it but a very few.they already show how much power they got so all we got is time now and god.they already own the media religions is 1 the last things left they need to own.plus the anti christ hasnt served his time here on earth screwing things up is why i know it wasnt gonna be the end also.go to blackvault.com read some of the docuemtns in the docuemnt section to see just what type of stuff they not only hide from us,but are doing to us on a spiritual level.i think the best thing to do is let these demons do what their gonna do keep your faith in god and wait it out because i dont see any humans standing up to these demons to do anything about it which upets me.i dont understand why we havent all went and made these people ruining the world not only resign but pay for what they do in prison.i can go on all day about these demons just good to see others catching on to these people that are possessed running the world,we should also go burn bohemian grove to the ground for the rituals they do their to babylonian gods and whatever gods these crazy people worship.the good side to the story is we all know who wins in the end,these NWO,illuminati,etc... do not win in the end,it was written a long time ago who wins in the end them demons.|||Sadly all religions have a minority of 'nutters' in them, Mr Camping is just simply one of those. I can't even say that he's a harmless nutter because at least one young person has died because of his rantings.|||Christianity doesn't need further discrediting. Even after 2000 years, it has still yet to prove any of its central claims.|||Religious fanatics were making predictions long before Mr Marx wrote his manifesto. In that context I'd have to say no.|||He was not a Christian. The Bible says that no one knows the day nor the hour when the world will end. He was just a con .

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