Friday, December 16, 2011

How many times has Harold Camping Been wrong about the world ending?

And what did he say he was wrong about?|||At least twice, going on three times.

There is always some nutcase or group of nutcases going around predicting the end of the world on such-and-such a date. This has been going on for thousands of years.

Remember just eleven years ago, with the Y2K thing, when they predicted huge disruptions due to computer glitches at the turn of the millenium?|||It may seems 2 times, but more than that.. after 1994, he pushed dates again and again, but the media didn't really make it back, the total is about 12 times he predict wrong|||All of them going back to 1994…|||2 so far and going for 3 on October 21st

He said it was a "spiritual" coming of Christ and we are experiencing a "spiritual" judgment.

Funny how he was the only one who noticed this|||Harold Camping's been wrong two times and he's going to be wrong a third time on October. This man is just an old fool with straw in his head. The world will never end.|||At least twice - the recent time and once in the late 1990s. Both times he claimed he had made a math error.|||hes a false prophet|||harold camping wasnt wrong|||He's never been wrong, it happened every time.|||2 and counting, why anyone stayed after the first, who knows?

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