Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Should I give my life savings to Harold Camping since the world will end in October this time around?

And thumpers are always asking "What do you have to lose by believing ?". Well, apparently, 300 thousand dollars.|||What does he stand to gain be getting your money? How many theorists have postulated that the world will end on such and such a date? Thousands if not millions. How many have been right so far? Pretty obvious. I say don't go trusting in people who ask for money indirectly or directly because they need help publicizing the end of the world. If you wanted to give your life savings away (something i don't recommend) I would say give it away to someone who will use it do good for others. Which is the better good: providing food for starving orphans and providing shelter for the homeless, or providing funds for someone to gain more funds for an event that will not likely happen when he claims it will?|||Your money, your choice. Considering they claim they won't be here after that date though, I'd think you'd want to give it to someone who would.|||Yeah. It's this time for sure.|||nah - let me hold it for ya... you can trust me, i swear.

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