Saturday, December 24, 2011

What "End of the World" date will Harold Camping make up after May 21st?

What will be the date?|||I think he has stated so forcefully that his group 'knows' this is the correct date, and he has got so much publicity about it, that his credibility will be completely ruined, everybody will stop listening to him and nobody will believe him if he does make another prediction. Am I over-rating the intelligence of the sort of people who believe this stuff? I hope not.

He has made quite enough money from this scam to retire on, anyway.|||If the end of the world he predicted will not come, then he will be very busy preparing for the end of his cult! May be, as he predicted, by October 21st, his cult will be toatlly wiped our out of this earth already. Let us watch and see. Only God knows! What will be ... will be!|||I don't believe him nor my family and friends.. why? because according in the bible no man or even the angels know what time will Jesus goes down in earth to judge us.. I only believe in God and not to a man that saying he knows it.. I just hope we will stop pretending he know everything.. He should go to jail for this kind of panic that he is trying to create.. he should face the consequences of his action..|||Based on his last attempt for 1994 17 years ago.....2011+17=2028?

Where are the Two-Witnesses of Revelation Ch. 11?鈥?/a>

They are meant to Prophesy 1260 days with the whole world aware they are here.|||Dont worry about it.... Yur gunna die regardless......... Just sayin

Things dont last forever soo dont wrry/stess about it I mean yu can die any part of the day , thats y live yur life with the fullest no regrets just love %26lt;33(:|||His first attempt at predicting was 1995 if I remember correctly (October is his choice for 'Armageddon)|||12/21/12 is just around the corner, luckily for him.|||He still has Oct 21st to fall back on, after that I wouldn't be surprised if we hear some garbage about spring on 2012.|||Lol well I heard that the next date is October 21, 2011 or maybe he'll come up with 11/11/11 Who knows?|||I hope his old age catches up to him and he forgets what numbers are so we don't have to deal with his lies ever again.|||He's already thrown October 21st around a couple of times. Who knows what he'll do after that.|||well,... he's creating jobs by putting all them billboards up. give him that.

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