Friday, December 16, 2011

What is Harold Camping gonna do after the world doesnt end?

Everyones saying the worlds not gonna end and I wondered, what is he gonna do when it doesnt? I'm sure a lot of people wont be happy with him doing what he was doing...just curious on your thoughts.|||Return to his silly computations and reschedule the whole thing. He has done it before, 2011 is his updated date from an earlier prediction (was 1994, if I am not mistaken).|||He'll be forced into retirement by his associates at Family Radio. It'll take a long *** time for them to regain their audience's trust (and money) after this debacle.|||He'll be humiliated.

Then he'll come up with an excuse for why there was no rapture.

Then he'll come up with another prediction.

Then he'll be wrong again.

Repeat.|||undoubtedly write his 3rd book onteh subject if he lives long enough his first predicted 1994. Now he is 89 he may not get another crack at it.|||"Predict" another date and say "Oh! Oh! I didn't interpret the scriptures right! It's going to be _______(insert date here)_______"|||This type of lying blowhard never goes away. He'll just figure out some other way to grab a spotlight, fleece the gullible and sell books and public appearances.|||well he is going on 90 so i dont think he has another 17 years to waste predicting another date|||hes going to predict another end day.......|||Make up another date.|||I can't wait to see his expression.|||The same he did in 1994,come up with another date.......that is if he still lives.|||The same thing he did last time...he'll continue on with his life

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