Saturday, December 24, 2011

Should Pastor Camping just revice his end of the world date to 2012 like all the other nuts?

He extended his doom date to 5 months but perhaps its just really how much time he has to go the guy looks like he is in his 90's|||He needs a damn math course so he can get the mysteries from the bible correct! lol.

Whoa! Now this song makes sense! I never understood it before.鈥?/a>|||First, he predicted May 21st. Now, it's October 21st. I imagine eventually he'll get to the December 21st, 2012, date that everyone is crediting to the Mayans.|||Already proved to be a false prophet twice. Anyone that follows him for the third go around is a certifiable idiot. He should keep his lips firmly closed and get out of the business.|||In the end the good pastor may turn out to be right, as Obama just unleashed wwiii on that exact Saturday with his stupid meddling in middle east affairs that will ultimately result in nuclear Armageddon and Rapture|||That con artist should be arrested for fraud and thrown into a federal prison. But luckily he can hide behind his magical man in the sky and nobody seems to care who he screws over.|||I think he should kidnap democrats and claim they were raptured.

I don't really care what he does with them as long as they don't come back.|||"revice"? What's that mean?|||So he made a mistake. Get over's not like the world is coming to an end!|||He should run in the GOP presidential field along with the other bozos.|||The world did end... you are now in Purgatory.|||You mean like Al Gore and the UN on all of their false predictions of Enviro-Calamity?|||It seems so

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