Friday, December 16, 2011

Why does Harold Camping keep predicting the end of the world?

I Wanted to ask for opinions. Harold predicted end of world on may 21, 2011. Now since that day has come and gone. he say the world will end on october 21, 2011. why doesn't he just stop?|||Senile dementia,he is 89.|||The sad fact is that most of Christianity claims to follow the Bible. Yet they have only scratched the surface of all the amazing things that are actually in the Bible. Therefore mainstream Christianity is not really studying the Bible in its entirety at all.

Harold Camping is researching the Bible in a way that follows the hidden rules of the Bible. Even if he is not 100% correct all the time, I wholeheartedly support his approach. He is comparing scripture with scripture, and looking for spiritual meaning.

I think people should pay attention to his Bible studies. Maybe they would learn some truth about salvation. Instead of looking into the Bible, they prefer to criticize the man. What a waste of time. The typical reaction of small minds. LOL.|||Harold is just trying to make money. I bet not even his family believes him.The only dieing soon is him. If I were the president I would band him from this country.Yes alot of people believe his predictions.I don't know why people want to see death and destruction.It is very sad.God said anyone who claims to know the end is a false prohphet.So all these people who believe him are going to be sad when october 21 comes and goes like a normal day.|||Attention seeking. If the word doesn't end by the end of 2012, it will not end until the sun runs of its fuel which will happen some 4 billion years from now. A metereo crash could also end life as we know it before the sun is gone.|||He also predicted it before in 1994. Easy answer, his church makes a ton of money in donations when he does this. I'n 1994 he did it and made a lot of cash, spent it and had to do it again this year to make more money...about 63 million to be exact.|||He will keep on revising his prediction until the final rupture will occur. Then, he will start predicting the second coming because he will be left behind. Look at my videos in YouTube to know the real date of rupture. Not kidding.|||Several reasons.

1. To make money.

2. He is a delusional old man.

3. To induce fear in people.

4. To give hope to the Christians that believe him that judgment day will happen.|||Like many Christians, and like many people of other faiths, he gets excited about prophecy and he has made this his life's work.|||So he can take a laugh about people's reaction. It surely makes him feel self worthy that someone people pay attention to whatever he says.|||Attention ho|||He makes a lot of money.|||To make money ...|||He does it for the evulz. (I'm serious)|||To make money?|||to make money and try and pretend he's some jesus in disguise

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