Friday, December 16, 2011

Now Harold Camping says the end of the world will be on October 21, 2011. How can ANYONE possibly believe it?

Prior to the May 21 Rapture that he predicted, he said it was guaranteed. He had no doubt whatsoever. He said the Bible guaranteed it. He was 100% WRONG!

Today he said that May 21, 2011 was a day of spiritual judgement.

Now, the end, according to Camping, will be on October 21, 2011.

Your thoughts?|||The May 21 date was always a deception. The Bible has always made it clear we will not know the day or hour of Jesus' return. Matthew 24:36

When Jesus **does** return ... will you be ready to face Him in Judgment?

He warned that most people will not be found watching and waiting for His return, distracted by the cares, riches and pleasures of this life and will be left behind. Being ready for the Day of His Appearing begins with confessing your sins to Him, asking His forgiveness and turning from them; then trusting that Jesus鈥?death on the cross paid the price demanded by the Father in Heaven for your sins. If not, you will stand before Jesus one day, not as your Savior, but as your Judge.

Read how the Bible says to be right with God, Matthew 4:17; Luke 24:46-47; Romans 2:4-5; Romans 3:23-24; Romans 6:23; James 2:10; Hebrews 9:27; 1 John 1:8-9; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9-10; Romans 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 Peter 3:18; John 3:36; 1 John 5:11-13

So then, each of us will give an account of them self to God. Romans 14:12|||Would you trust someone foolish enough to believe that garbage to not give away all their money, and to keep it for something that may be more dangerous still?

But that is the only silver (actually make that cheap zinc) lining I can think of. Camping is a crook.Those who send him money are feeble-minded. Some may be manipulated to give all their cash and would be left penniless, becoming a burden to those around them who still care for them old fools.

But there is no law that protects idiots, one has a right to be as stupid and foolish as one desires, as long as one does not hurt others. All we can do is be vocal about it, so that less people will fall in the trap of the likes of Camping.|||A bunch of bologna in my opinion. No one can know when the end of the world will come. All he's doing is trying to brain-wash people and convince them that they'll have eternal salvation for giving him all of their money. I have no fears for when October 21 comes. I don't know when Christ will come again and I have no right to pretend I do. No one does. This guy's a luney. That's all there is to it.|||matthew 24:7 Nations will rise against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms, there will be earthquakes and food shortages in one place after another, this will be the sign of the end of satan's wicked system of things. If these aren't happening, and people cant see it. satan has billions of people blinded. many will die, and the ones awake will live in a paradise earth.|||Never believe those people, everything is fake. You cannot get any result from the Bible and Jesus will never tell the real day when he will come back for real, even though the person is the most religious and the closest to Jesus. Because God knows if he tells the human, the human will tell to the world and it is not a secret anymore. God just want us to prepare ourselves by keep a close contact with him and wants human to do what they can do the best.

God will never tell when the World will end because he want human to prepare to his arrival.

Imagine if God tells the human about his arrival, human will do more bad things at first and becomes good later on and God does not want that.

That is my opinion|||He wants the trust of the people he used AGAIN. And of course, he wants more money and donations. He's making everything up. He predicted the rapture 2 times and what did he get? An angry mob. I don't even trust this guy. All he knows is rapture. None of the good things. If he believes God has sent him here to warn us, then he should kill himself. We all know not even Jesus knows when the end will come. Not even the angels in heaven. And he's like "I am better than Jesus, I am sent here by God" blah blah blah.|||My bet is that he will claim that Oct 21 2011 was yet another judgement and will predict yet another end. He is a skilled con man with over 120 million in personal assets due to tax deductible contributions. If he actually believed that the end was near and cared about others, he would dedicate all of the money he had to spreading the message rather than using for himself in any way.|||Harry has forecast for the past several years that the Jesus Meet %26amp; Greet Day would be May 21, 2011 and the end of the world as October 21, 2011.

Now he reports that judgment day did, in fact, occur -- but not as he predicted. The time for accepting Jesus has expired.

Harold Camping is a true believer.

A freaking loon --- but he believes.

The pressure needs to be put on the board of directors of Family radio to discharge Harry. Vote him out and cancel his 400,000 expense account.|||Deut. 18:22 declares him to be a false prophet... and anyone today is a false prophet if they predict a future doomsday.

Camping needs to talk to a preterist. The world has no end. (Eccl. 1:4, Eph 3:21). The end the New Testament speaks of was the end of the Jewish AGE. Jesus' return was linked to the last days of that era, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which were obliterated in AD 70... quite a world-changing event for the 1st century Jew.|||I think he's lying to save his own skin, thinking he can get away with it this time around.

He should repent and confess his sins to God AND the public, painful as it is, it would show the world he has character and is not a coward.|||I hope Jesus brings pork chops.|||Harold Camping's been saying that October 21, 2011 was the end of the world, he thought May 21st was going to be Judgment Day. But, yeah, that guy is a nutjob.|||His claim is that earthquakes, and other natural disasters will hit on may 21 then the earth will be swallowed by a huge fireball on october 21.|||Religious people are gullible. This is what happens when you believe instead of verifying with evidence.|||Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Someone somewhere will believe it.|||Who has to think? That old bag is senile beyond belief and not even worth looking at twice. Like the homeless person who always stares you down as you walk by.|||"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." 鈥?Albert Einstein|||In the words of the great philosopher Obi Wan Kenobi: "Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him? "|||I am just getting tired of him. He needs to stick with preaching instead of terrorizing everyone with his LIES.|||No man knows the day or the hour! If he knows his Bible so well then he should know that! Wow I'm Hserious!! he really is decieving people..And that is another sin.|||Yup, he's doing it again. We all knew though that he would have to come up with an excuse when his prediction did not come true|||I think he has committed Blasphemy|||He wants attention.|||And please send you donations to ........

It's all about getting money from dumb Christians|||what a fool. he only wants more donations.|||if the rapture did happen then why is Harold still here?|||I think we should handle this Little Nicky style and shove a pineapple up his ***..|||how do you know the rapture didn't happen. Only 144,000 people were to disappear. Do you know all the world's population?

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