Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Was the recent "End Of The World" prediction by Mr. Camping a Marxist hoax to discredit Christianity?

You all have been had, mainly the Athiest! The Globalist鈥檚 have used a old fool mr campling one of their constructs with the help of the globalist owned media to help worldwide discredit Christianity further, and project the feeling that there is no truth in the bible and hope in this world, except our one world communist government and currency that we are creating for the NWO, is the only thing you can believe in and have hope for.|||he changed his mind. Its going to go bang in october now lol

maybe he'll just die.|||Sounds like you were a victim of this hoax, and are just mad that he pulled the wool over your eyes.

Well, next time be a little more skeptical, and if you're going to have wool pulled over your eyes, make sure you do it yourself.

And by the way -- this is hardly the first time this sort of prediction didn't come true. People have been prophesying the Rapture for the past 2000 years, and as far as I can tell, it hasn't happened yet. Not all of them were Marxists, not all of them were atheists, not all of them were out to discredit Christianity. But almost all of them were Christians who genuinely thought they were correct.

No need to be grumpy. It'll happen again.

From what Mr. Camping says, it'll happen next October.

Best wishes, and send me a postcard,|||No, it was just another perfect expression of the ridiculous side of American religion.

It`s the 21stC for flip`s sake and they still allow themselves to believe in all of that nonsense.

The rest of the world is laughing at them.

It was a 30 second news item on most TVs around the world, if they carried the story at all.

Truth in the Bible?

Talking snakes.

Talking donkeys.

A man that lived in a whale.

Men that lived almost a thousand years.

Magic tricks.

Talking bushes.

Making dead people come back to life.

Are you being serious?

It`s a fairytale.

Join the first world before it`s to late.|||Because again jaded cynicism Its all lies STUPID INSANE AND RACIST THREE 6 LETTER WORDS (666) just made up by another conservative who believes In satan worshiping not christianity so only believe what you do see In the real world not their own ****** up world of their own.

Best not to delete my answer you need to know.|||There is no way to discredit a religion. People put faith in books and abstract things they cannot see, no matter how much scientific proof there is to say otherwise. The prediction was definitely to make money and nothing else.|||If you have to blame someone, just concentrate it all on the man himself. There is no need to involve others.

His math was wrong, his interpretation of the bible is wrong.

He did not bend your arm to believe his theory now, did he?|||No, it was a hoax to net him a buttload of cash.|||I don't believe in Mr Camping and I don't believe in the NWO. I don't have any hope for either one.|||LOL. Yeah, it's our fault you guys are delusional liars.|||No i just think the old man wanted to get attention and money.

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