Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is Harold camping and his followers saying about the end of the world?

Obviously nothing happened. Has he said anything or have his followers said anything? Just wondering because I know some quit their jobs and spent their money|||That it was a miscalculation.|||For Harold Camping, many will consider him false but now he will have to learn of how he could have been wrong. It is simple.. God will reveal to no one on earth when the time He shall tell Jesus to go receive His Bride, (the church). It will be like a thief in the night, Paul wrote. It will be when the world of people least expects it to happen.. Will it happen? Yes. As Christians, we are to live as though Jesus would return today and not be caught unaware of his return. Does this mean Harold camping is not a Christian? I do think he missed it by not listening to the Holy Spirit of truth but there isn't a Christian out there would doesn't miss it as they too do not listen to the Holy Spirit either and ends up in failed marriages, in business deals, in poor health and so on.. I think he made a human error to which he will learn to be more sensitive to the Spirit of God and hopefully quit trying to set a date for what is meant to happen without the world knowing it.|||Well, Harold Camping has done some major damage with his "End Of The World" nonsense. Because if his false teaching. Nonbelievers are now saying "I told you Christians are wrong about the Bible and God". Or saying "Look, their Jesus didn't come for them, now the Christians should wake-up and realize that he doesn't exist." Harold Camping is a dangerous man to the Christian faith. God warned us about false prophets.

Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Matthew 24:11 "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."

1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."|||give them until midnight to start rubbing it in their faces. but i suspect we'll all hear an interview between a news anchor that's trying not to laugh and some idiot who just ruined his life on our news network of choice first thing in the morning|||Dude they are probably making excuses. I could tell you that this man has already said things like this before. He did. I think before I was even born(I'm 18). He is probably going to say the same type of things he always said. Watch out for people like him. And don't be deceived, Christ will be coming! But indeed no one knows the day nor the hour. Jesus said that He is coming like a thief in the night.|||Go on his Website, he's currently broadcasting about Adultery. I'm serious: http://www.familyradio.com/index2.html|||one of two things. either they all went into hiding and are staying quiet or they all commited suicide ala heavens gate, because i sure as hell havent seen anything from them and i have been looking|||You spelled "charlatans" wrong.|||OOOppps!!!!|||most likely being berated and beaten|||They are probably hiding out right now.|||nothing,they r still waiting|||He's saying ,"Hahaha I was just kidding." and their thinking "It's not funny.Do you see any of us laughing."|||That's what I am wondering too.|||I haven't heard one say "we were wrong". Just a bunch of nonsense excuses.|||Aren't they on the way to the south pacific?|||who knows, hes probably gonnna have a heart attack...

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