Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Religious and non-religious,whats the deal with Harold Camping and why do they want the world to end?

we all get the front story, convert and save your soul, but what I want to know is, this guy has been trying to tell us the world is ending for more then 10 years now. why does he and his followers for the apocalypse want the world to end?|||LOL You asked this question as if they have control over the time. "why do they want the world to end? can't we just have 10 minutes more?" LOL JOKE!

Because he is 90 and near the end, and he likes to imagine everyone's going with him.|||Aye, yi yi. You uneducated people are driving me nuts! It has nothing to do with the end of the world and apocalypse! Open up a Bible, and start reading and maybe then you will understand what is going on. Jesus coming is a good thing. The world is not going to end. Jesus is coming to take with Him all who confessed with their mouth, and believed in their hearts that HE is their personal savior. The rest will be LEFT BEHIND to suffer the seven year tribulation of horrors. If YOU choose to be left behind, that is totally up to you. But I choose to be raptured and go with Jesus and live in peace for eternity.|||Of course they do! Otherwise, they'll grow old and die with the knowledge that the world will go right on spinning without skipping a beat. That's just downright depressing... boring, almost. However, if we were involved in something special, like the END OF THE WORLD, we could take everyone down with us, chanting "I told you so" all the way.|||He basically lost his mind. Matthew 24:36 was a verse he must have missed. His math was mainly made up numbers that fit his day. He essentially robbed his followers of $80 million and then took off. It was a cult and a scam.|||The event he is predicting is found in the Bible. He is just ignoring the verse that says man cannot predict the day of it.|||He's just as dysfunctional as anyone else who believes in the falsehoods of organized religion.|||Maybe Harold got tired of paying taxes

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