Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What If Harold Camping Turns Out To Be Right With His End Of The World Prediction?

He鈥檚 been wrong before and many people see him as the old man who cried wolf or Armageddon once too often. But what if this time since few if any people believe him he turns out to be right and the world does in fact end on Oct 21st?|||Then none of us will be around to hear him say I told you so.

He's definitely not right though.|||I think the old man is the most intelligent man I have ever listened to in terms of the bible...however.....he missed his prediction of the rapture on May 21, 2011......so I have to assume that his entire methods for figuring the end of the world is flawed also.....but overall....Camping is a good man, who is sincerely wrong.....or it appears he will be wrong|||He's made how many predictions? If I predict the end of the world with 50 possible dates, I come closer to being right, but that doesn't mean the end of the world will be divine, or that I knew what I was talking about.|||By now, God is so annoyed with Harold Camping that he is likely to stage a private "Rapture" for the preacher himself, only it will be nothing like it's been advertised.|||Where I live, it has been Oct 21st for 4.5 hours - the sky is clear, the moon is shining, the people are sleeping. No "end of the world" here !|||Is what it is. We have many warnings,for generations now,and not just by this Harold Camping. At one point or another all will have no choice but to listen,or wish that they did.|||It is already October 21st in New Zealand, Australia, Japan etc.|||Nothing will happen on October 21

See how will be the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Son of Man) to Earth. This is not theory:

http://odemori.blogspot.com/2011/05/lord鈥?/a>|||it would be a happy coincidence for his followers i suppose. in any case i'm set for the end whenever that shall be.|||He won't be. The Bible clearly states that Jesus will come back like a theif in the night. No one will know when that day will come.|||even he's not sure of himself. now he's saying, maybe it will happen, if it will happen, etc. if he's right we are all dead. so it won't matter. nothing will happen tomorrow.|||Good-bye.|||No-one knows the date or the hour except God when the world will end so he's wrong simply as|||Harold Camping is a false prophet and proven liar.|||Put a date on the rapture and you will always be DEAD WRONG.|||It would be a coincidence. God may avoid that date for that very reason.|||If he's right, may we all be destroyed in some sort of Godly apocolypse somehow!|||Nobody will care.|||The Cubs haven't won the World Series yet.|||Well then he turns out to be right. And anyway I'll be in heaven.|||Then I am going home

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