Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How are Harold Camping's cult going to react when the world does not end this year?

Harold Camping's "Christian" cult is proclaiming the Rapture will happen in May and the end of the world will happen in October.

How are these people going to react when nothing happens and they're proven wrong?

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?…|||They'll come up w/ some lame excuse as to why it didn't happen. He will 'hear from god' as to why it didn't go down, or something stupid like that.|||It's sad, because these kind of people are giving Christianity a bad name. The world WILL end one day, but the Bible is very clear on us not being able to set dates for it.|||They will announce that "catastrophe has been averted by the power of prayer". They will then even be able to try to claim some credit.

Make a note of this and check back on May 22nd and see if I'm not right.|||He's predicted wrong before. He will just "reexamine" his math and set a new date.|||Mass suicide perhaps?|||I hope they don't go the kool aid route.|||I'm just going to point and laugh. As any sane person would.|||Do what they always do...tweak the numbers a set a new 'correct' date.

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