Tuesday, December 20, 2011

According to Harold camping, What time will the world end today?

Not that I believe it'll happen, but my mom, a christian is scared for me cause im a muslim and i want to prove to her nothing's gonna happen.. just need to know the time|||There isn't any rapture in the Bible .. The Greek Original word Harpazo is not Rapture ( and no one will

ever be Raptured maybe Ruptured ( from too much food)

Raptured means plucked away ( as tares) Harpazo in Greek

Mark 13:32 %26gt;%26gt;

New International Version (©1984)

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.



Kyrie Eleison

Friday Oct 21/2011

4.57 AM in Toronto Ontario Canada .. and There isn't any Rapture or ever will Be :)\

Harold Camping is an elderly man in his 90s and deluded.|||It will happen according to the time line of the most arrogant country in the whole world. Definitely not Australia or any Asian, Middle Eastern or European country. The world "revolves" around that one country only, didn't you know that?|||Do yourself a favour.....go and read Revelation Chapter 11.

It talks about two prophets known as the Two-Witnesses.

They will prophesy for 1260 days.....everyone will know they

are on earth. Since they have not made their appearance

it is very safe to say that Camping is wrong.

http://kingjbible.com/revelation/11.htm|||It was the end of the world for some but mainly for Gadhafi. The next prediction may be the end of the world for Ahmadinejad. Maybe Harold Camping should keep it going.|||He didn't give a time out. But it might happen at 5:53 pm so be ready.

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