Friday, December 16, 2011

Has Harold Camping made any statements regarding his 2nd, failed, attempt to predict the end of the world?

Mr. Camping, 89, for the second time claimed that he had determined the exact date and time that the world would end, or begin to end for that matter. Similar claims were made back in the year 1994, and (obviously) he was dead wrong. So now, that he has made those claims again and gullible people have donated all their money to a campaign trying to spread the word he was wrong again, so has he made any statements regarding his last failure?|||No one's seen hide nor hair of him since Friday. He probably skipped town to avoid the lynch mobs that are undoubtedly come for his skin.|||He should make this prediction it will happen on the second tuesday of next week for those who are slow there is only one tuesday per week|||Not that I've heard yet. But I hope he sincerely apologizes and announces to the world that he will consider the preterist view of eschatology (end times). It's the only view that honors the Biblical time statements and makes sense, if one is just willing to unlearn traditions of men.

Dispensationalism has wreaked enough havoc already... it's time for reason and logic to replace the 'last days' madness that has plagued us for centuries.|||He was reportedly overheard stating "Third time's the charm!"|||Poor guy. He myth-calculated again. He should give up. And he's got blood on his hands now with that Christian mother who tried to kill her kids because of him.|||I never heard of him before this. I don't keep watch on him, though I'm wondering now what he is going to say. If anyone knows, I think this is a good place to ask. Though I'm sure the media will jump on the first syllable out of his mouth concerning this.

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