Saturday, December 10, 2011

How will Harold Camping's End of Times cult react when the world does not end this year?

Apparently, there's this guy named Harold Camping who previously suggested the world was going to end in 1994. Now he's predicting the "Judgment Day" / Rapture on May 21, 2011 and the End of the World on October 21, 2011.

How are these people going to react when nothing happens and they're proven wrong?鈥?/a>|||Well, they can always look at the Jehovah's Witness playbook as their leader/founder (now past) predicted the world would end on three different occasions and, obviously, none of the dates were correct...however (!), they later put out that the world had in fact and in deed ended and that all were now going through some form of tribulation and that Satan (boo, hiss, bad guy...) was in control of the world now.

They also had predicted the "rapture" but oddly enough, no one was missing from their church so either none of them made it 144,000 should have been taken up to heaven.

They will say that it was symbolic and the die hards will still believe and send money and decorate their cars, trucks, vans and what have you with scripture quotes while only a few will drop out of the game.|||I can see 3 scenarios:

1.Embarrassment, the movement falls apart.

2.Logical backflips, redefining the date, morphing into another branch of protestants ala JWs and 7th day adventists.

3.Jonestown massacre 2. Their web sites are getting more and more strident and illogical. Things are not trending well.|||They will announce that "catastrophe has been averted by the power of prayer". They will then even be able to try to claim some credit.

Make a note of this and check back on May 22nd and see if I'm not right.|||They'll hopefully start by washing the "IT'S THE END OF TIMES!" warnings off their cars...|||They will feel like fools

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