Friday, December 16, 2011

If people loot tomorrow, and the world does not end. Will Harold Camping be held liable and go to jail?

People sold everything or gave it away because of him. There is a popular Facebook event of people who plan to loot. If the world does not end, and Harold Camping made people believe it was going to end. Will he be fined and/or sued and/or get jail time?|||If he's intentionally doing it to defraud someone - then yes. Otherwise he is merely stating his personal crackpot biblical calculations. People are free to believe that Jesus came back from the dead so they are also free to believe Harold Camping's theory. What'dya gonna do?|||Hope they don't try to loot at my house. That would be a very bad mistake.

People are responsible for their own actions. If they loot, they should go to prison for it. I would think the facebook page about looting would qualify as conspiracy, which in itself is a crime. Some people sure are stupid.|||He is not inciting people to go around looting. Rather, he's telling people to get closer to Jesus in preparation for the rapture.

Anyone who runs around looting is doing it of their own accord.|||It's just free speech. I'd say no. But he'd be really hated.

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