Saturday, December 10, 2011

What do you think of camping at Disney World?

Do you imagine it would be more trouble than it's worth...or fun family times?

I am trying to convince my husband it would be great, but he sees Disney as fun...and camping as fun...but not the 2 combined. I did it as a kid...and loved it. We would be staying at the Disney campground that you can catch the boat to Magic Kingdom.|||I'd do it! Only with an air mattress... Since I had my children my back is a pain in the a**.|||In a tent?

No, I wouldn't want to camp in a tent at Disneyworld! When I went by the end of the day my feet were tired from walking all day, I could not wait to rest on my bed/couch in the hotel and take a nice relaxing bath. I do love camping but its not something I would want to do at Disneyworld personally.|||I don't camp. My idea of camping is staying at a 2 star hotel. However, if you are talking about staying in a pretty plush RV or renting one of the cabins, I'd go for it. You will never see me in a tent however.|||You are a better woman than I am. Disney is like a full day of work. Its exhausting and unless your coming here really soon also hot as helll.

I need A/C and a hot tub after a day at the park.|||I was far too worn out after a day at Disney to want to do anything but sleep. I like camping, but would see it as a chore, even without kids there.|||I think that'd be awesome. Better than staying in a froofy resort, that's for sure.

ETA** Geez, these folks are all a buncha poofs! '2 star hotel = camping' Bahaha! Nice. :)|||Yea, i think it sounds fun i mean jeez if your going all the way there might as well make it a good one.|||I think i'd rather stay in a hotel when going to Disney. Camping is fun, but its a lot of work as well.|||Need more info: What kind of camping is this? Tent and campfire or RV or cabin? Makes a huge difference...

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