Saturday, December 10, 2011

What time does Harold Camping claim the world will end?

I know last time it was 6 PM local time, but has he said anything for his October 21 prediction as far as a specific time?|||So many people get this wrong --- including the media. May the 21st was supposed to be the rapture.

The world would come to a complete end, today, October 21st.

When nothing noticeable happened in May --- Camping said it was a "spiritual rapture" it really happened --- we just couldn't see it.

INSIDE INFORMATION: The spiritual rapture was something sold to Family Radio by a spin-doctor --- an executive at Family Radio sold it to Camping.

Camping bought into it and was selling this until his stroke.

My beef isn鈥檛 so much with Harry --- he is obviously certifiable.

His listeners 鈥?the ones who carried the signs and handed out leaflets are like so many lost souls looking for something.

Everyone wants to go to heaven --- nobody wants to die --- Rapture can be an easy sell.

My real problem is with Family Radio.

Family Radio鈥檚 board of directors and the administrative staff including the program director.

These folks knew that Harold Camping wasn鈥檛 operating on all 8 cylinders but they kept their silence and went along for the ride --- This wasn鈥檛 so much a cause with them as it was a job. These people are still on the air, making a living --- and I haven鈥檛 heard one freaking apology. The FCC should shut down family Radio stations. The executive officers and the management should be charged.|||Well 10/21/2011 will end at 6:00 am Eastern as the day passing the international date line east of Hawaii.|||He is still busting out date and times?

... ... ...

He must have unshakable faith in himself.|||HC is as crazy as that Wu nutjob.|||I don't think it really matters. He's made the next part of his fortune, thanks to those who believed in him.|||Who cares? Do you see the world ending?|||when he goes camping|||lets shove a stone up his ***|||he's crazier than bat $h!t

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