Friday, December 16, 2011

When harold camping says the world will end on the 21st may 2011?

where did he get his idea from.

and why around 6pm? which 6pm? does he mean american time or gmt?|||Well it is an american jesus we are talking about here you know, and no god fearing amercan would want to interfere with commerce especially the Mcdonalds rush hour (W)|||He devised his own little "bible numerology calculations," and wants people to put ALL their faith in it. They're putting ALL their faith in Harold Camping's flawed mathematics he devised up to try and "decipher" the end, and it's clearly leading people astray. Christ said NO MAN knoweth that day or hour, yet here we see Harold Camping claiming otherwise and contradicting Christ. My faith is in Christ, NOT in some man's flawed, "bible numerology calculations." Harold Camping has a track record of failed dates prophecies. He is a false prophet, and should be treated as such.|||i've really grown to like you. you've seemed to calm down a little bit of vitriol, went to silliness, and now you have actually stumbled upon real silliness.

i think it is easy to say that this man has just made up this date. the way he has calculated things makes absolutely no sense to anyone. i'm not that knowledgeable, but i know a few things. it clearly says in the Bible no one knows the day or hour, not even Jesus. but harold camping does!

what is wrong about this is that it could happen sooner! that is what makes this wrong. there is nothing wrong to think it might happen in the next moment, we should. but to set a future date could cause people to not think the way we should which is to expect it at any moment!|||He thought God told him but it was an evil spirit no doubt. Evil spirits can give you messages too. He really should get off of the radio. He has caused so much trouble already!!! He should have been taken off the radio 25 years ago. Even better he never should have got on in the first place.|||Supposedly the idea came from the bible...

Why around 6pm? No one knows. But it's meant to be massive earthquakes at 6pm in every location.

So, like a ripple effect, i guess?!

It's all a big nonsense.|||"Harold Camping" tee hee, even his name doesn't sound real.

somegreybloke...鈥?/a>|||Its' not the first time he's made this prediction.

Personally I'd love to see his ilk being charged with fraud the day after the prediction failed.

.|||Well, if refer to Majora's Mask, we see that dawn occurs at six AM. Christians can't tell night from day, so he probably means six AM.|||But there are proofs in the Bible, I tell you. PROOFS! How can there be doubt when there are proofs in an infallible book. It must happen.|||He said , when a caller asked, he said Jesus is coming back and the dead will come up from the graves. But he said, the world then ends in Oct 21st.|||He will probably end up dying on that date. That's why he predicted the end of the world. It's a load of bollocks.|||Details don't really mean much to nutters like him

6pm is just the time he has to be back in the asylum|||Wonders never cease . . . ( ! )

For once I agree with Woo Woo

(where's the catch?)

There will be so much egg-wiping off chins on the 22nd :)|||Maybe his mistress said she was leaving him on May 21....and when his wife found out she said she was on her way too.|||Don't know, but some say it will happen in 2012. Can't they just make up their minds?|||Actually who told this dumb thing? no one on earth can predict when the last hour is

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