Friday, December 16, 2011

Why does Family Radio's Harold Camping think that the world is going to end in 2011?

He said Judgement Day is coming May 21, 2011. He claims that "seals" to the truth about the end of the world have recently been taken off the Bible. What does he mean by that?|||You will hear rumors, remember what the bible has already foretold. And the day and hour unknown! Read Matthew chapter 24. These rumors and deceivers are bound to come. Follow the bible and you will see.|||did you forget about the verse after it says "no man knows the day or hour" says " but as the days of noe (noah) were, so shall also be the coming of son of man be"

everyone knew about the flood coming...and everyone will know about May 21, 2011

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|||Check this out before you all jump to conclusions.

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|||Think! Oldster Noah was labeled oddball, nuts, crazy, retarded. But he was apreacher,brilliant engineer %26amp;craftsman, precision carpntr, genius! Just think, t build a 2-block long arkhouse tht would fit thousnds f animals so tht they cld live ther 4 ovr 1 year, he warned th wrld 4 120 yrs%26amp;then 7days!

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|||It means that there are so many false teachings out there. People interpret bible according to what people/he wants to believe . In Revelation states that we have to be careful against false teaching.

Believe it or not about the world's going to end in 2011, who knows ?? Even our father in heaven will never know, bible say the second coming will come to you like thieves at night. Therefore, what we could do it not to let our guard down, and keep the faith.|||It doesn't matter what he means by that, announcing a certain day as judgement day is contrary to what Christ taught.|||If you know that much why don't you know the rest of the story.|||what he means is that he's trying to beat the 2012 nutters to the punch|||I hate to criticize another Christian, but Dr. Camping said the same thing back in 1998. He's a bit of a crank.|||Face it, that is a bit off the nut.|||full of crap

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