Saturday, December 10, 2011

Are you watching the Camping World Truck Series race tonight?

I am...|||No :(

But I will DVR that and when I get home sit down with my 12-pack of Bud Lite, sit on my schweddy testies and crack killed urine and ice cream sammich stained corduroy pillow couch, eating bags of KFC Masterpiece BBQ potato chips and spicey pork rinds.|||Yes, Yes, Yes, I need some NASCAR. I watch it almost every week but I will for sure tonight, be it the only race of the weekend. I'm so desperate for NASCAR I check every hour!|||Yep, sure wish Hornaday Jr could have pulled a win off.

Go 88, 29, 2 in 2011|||I was at it. And boy Kasey Kahne was beating everybodys @ss! They had wayy to many cautions that could have been prevented though.|||I'll watch the end if I have time. I don't mind missing the rest of it. I'm very busy tonight.|||I will be watching the CWTS race tonight.|||yes I did, great to see kasey win another truck race.|||Yes always try to watch them.|||Yep, and I loved seeing my boy Kasey Kahne win another!|||Yes I did.|||Yes..|||yes|||I'm not.

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